Lesson 12 - Scheduling of Design and Construction Flashcards
What are the four goals of sustainable design?
- Designs that use less.
- Designs that recycle components.
- Designs that have components that are easily recyclable.
- Designs that have components that are fully biodegradable.
Who should prepare a time schedule for all phases of production?
The Architect
What are the design efforts in Phases (AIA Owner-Architect Agreement)?
- Schematic Design
- Design Development
- Construction Documents
- Bidding or Negotiaition
- Construction Administration
Which design phase is the most difficult to estimate a time frame for completion?
Schematic Design Phase
Because of the greatest amount of variablility.
What are factors of the desing that will affect the time frame of the project?
- The size and complexity of the project
- The quality and completness of the program information supplied by the client
- The decision making ability of the client.
- The nature of the design team.
A team of architects and drafters, headed by a project architect or job captain develops the schematic design into a preliminary design drawings, which are then developed into working drawings.
Design Development for a typical project takes from two to four months, the construction document phase may typically require from three to seven months. The bidding negotiation phase usually requires three to six weeks, regardless of the size of the project.
How long does client review usually take?
Between one week and one month.
What is a GMP, Guranteed Maximum Price?
This is when the contractor gurantees a maximum cost for a project. (this is usually when the contractor is involved early in the design process and works closely with the architect)
What is the typical percent of inflation for a project per month?
1%. This would result in alot of money being lost if a project is delayed.
What methods are used in order to reduce construction time?
(this is done by the architect)
- The architects team works overtime. (this saves time but is costly and inefficient)
- Hire more people
- Reduce the man hours spent on the project.
What is the critical path method (CPM)?
The Critical Path Diagram is also known as a network diagram.
- Activities are represented by arrows. Each sqaure represents events or nodes.
- Important events in construction are refeered to as milestone events.
- Events common to both networks (when there are different networks) are called Interface Events.

What is the cirtical path in teh CPM?
The critical path is the total project time that is established by the path with the longest total required time. (this is generally shown as a bold line in the cpm diagram)
-Activities along the critical path are called critical activities, in this case conisiting of procuring reinformcing steel, setting footing steel and pouring footings.
What are float paths in the CPM?
All paths in the network diagram, other than the critical path, are called float paths. The float is the difference in time duration between the critical path and any other path.
(the float, then, is a measure of the extra time available for an activity or group of activities.)
How does a contractor figure the project calendar?
The contractor, having determined that the finish date of the project is 16 working days afer its start, now converts this to a calendar days by multiplying by 7/5, since there are five working days in each 7 day week. (6 x 7/5 = 22.4, say 23 Calendar days)
What is most time frame for building construction?
9-18 months.
What is a contingencie?
- A realistic schedule should incorporate an allowance for project delays caused by weather or other unforeseen events.
What graph is this?

Bar graph or Gannt Chart.
What is decreased for the contractor if the schedule is shortned? (though the shortning time as the contractors direct cost increases)
Overhead is decreased.
What is fast track scheduling?
Shortening design and construction schedules generally results in higher design costs, higher construction costs and reduced quality. However, by combining the architect/engineer’s design schedule, it is possible to realize an overall saving of time in completing the entire project.
-Combine the architect/engineers design with the builders construction.
_-Fast track - Accelerated - or Telescoped scheduling. _
When is staged bidding required?
The Fast track Method.
- This can incorporated as many as 20 or 30 bidding stages and have multiple contractors.
- To assure some degree of cost and time control and establish reponsibility a construction manager should be used.