Lesson 4: Styles Approach Flashcards
Jim is a manager at Wendy’s. He is very concerned with efficiency and with making employees happy. Which of the following is true of Jim?
Jim is a high-high style leader (team management style, 9,9)
(T/F) The style approach suggests that leadership cannot be explained by any list of personality traits.
(T/F) The style approach has been validated by a wide range of studies.
According to Blake and Mouton, which leadership style includes rewards and approval for people in return for their loyalty and obedience?
Paternalism/Maternalism (Gracious dictator)
(T/F) “She is a natural leader” is a phrase commonly expressed by people who take a process perspective toward leadership.
(T/F) In the Leadership Grid, the 9,9 type of leader prefers the middle ground, soft-pedals disagreement, and swallows conviction in the interest of progress.
(T/F) In the Leadership Grid, a person who uses but does not integrate the 1,9 and 9,1 styles of leadership could be called a “benevolent dictator”.
(T/F) According to Blake and Mouton, the “authority-compliance manager” is highly concerned with people and has little concern for results.
Sara is criticized for shifting her management style too much and is known as a leader who watches out for herself. She is an
Opportunistic leader.
(T/F) Assisting group members in building cohesiveness is primarily a task behavior.
(T/F) The style approach has failed to identify a universally effective leadership style.
Larry dislikes giving instructions to employees. He is uncomfortable with what type of behavior?
Task behavior.
(T/F) According to the Leadership Grid, opportunistic leaders rely primarily on the 5,5 style of leadership.
Which scholars created the Leadership Grid?
Blake and Mouton
(T/F) Leadership research suggests conclusively that it is best for leaders to be high-task and high-relationship in all situations.
(T/F) The style approach is not heuristic.