Lesson 3: Uses and Core Functions of Epidemiology Flashcards
What are the 4 main uses of epidemiology?
- Assessing the community’s health
- Making Individual Symptoms
- Completing the clinical picture
- Searching for causes
What does Assessing the Community’s Health entail?
using descriptive epidemiology to learn about the disease(determining the person, place and time)
What does making individual decisions entail?
Making decisions based on health data in relation to personal health, so eating a salad over a burger, using a condom, or not smoking
What does completing the clinical picture entail?
It entails combining the diagnosing abilities of doctors and the data analyisis abilities of epidemiologists
What does searching for causes entail?
It uses epidemiology and laboratory science to provide the evidence needed to establish causation
What are the 6 major tasks of epidemiology
- Public Health Surveillance
- Field Investigation
- Analytic Studies
- Evaluation
- Policy Development
Which major task of epidemiology was added more recently
policy development
What can public health surveillance sometimes be called
information for action
What is public health surveillance
It is the ongiong systematic collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of health data to help guide public health decision making and action
What is the purpose of public health surveillance?
To portray the ongoing patterns of disease occurrence and disease potential so that investigation, control and prevention measure can be applied efficiently and effectively
What is Public Health Surveillance?
It is the ongoing, systematic collection analysis, interpretation and dissemination of health data to help guide public health decision making and action
What are the objectives of field investigations?
- Additional unreported or unrecognized ill persons (ec: identifying sexual partners for STIs)
- A source or vehicle of infection that can be controlled or eliminated
What is shoe leather epidemiology?
to learn more about the natural history, clinical spectrum, descriptive epidemiology, and risk factors of the disease before determining what disease interviews methods might be apropriate
What are the steps of an Analytic Study?
- Design
- Conduct
- Analysis
- Interpretation
- Communication of Findings
What is Evaluation in the 6 major tasks of epidemiology?
the process of determining, as systematically and objectively as possible, the relevance, effeveness, efficiency and impact of activities with respect to established goals
What is effectiveness in evaluation?
the ability of a program to produce the intended results in the field
How to effectiveness and efficacy differ?
efficacy is the ability to produce results under ideal conditions whereas effectiveness is the ability to produce intended results
What is efficiency in evaulation?
the ability of the program to produce the intended results with a minimum expenditure of time and resources
What is Linkage in evaluation?
Connecting or linking epidemiology to other health and public disciplines or