Disaster Epidemiology Flashcards
goals of disaster epidemiology
- provide serive for preparedness response and recovery
- to conudct applied research
- to disseminate the knowledge base of disaster epidemiology
systemic collection, analysis and interpretation of data
Steps of surveillance during a disaster
- Planning for surveillance
- defining objectives
- select variables to collect (establish case definitions)
- determine data sources (use established sources or new forms to collect data)
Morbidity Surveillance
alloqs for the detection of potential disease outbreaks and track disease and injury trends
mortality surveillance
measure death in a population
have kits for heat, wind, tornado, hurricane, thunder/lightning, earthquake
Sentinel surveillance
active or passive surveillance system that collects data from a limited number of particpants to report on specific health events
Syndromic surveillance
active or passive surveillance system that uses case definitions based on signs and symptoms rather than clinical diagnostic criteria
the community assessment for public health emergency response
what does CASPER do?
provides public health leaders and emergency managers household based information about a community
primary goal of CASPER
rapidly obtan information about the needs of an affected community
CASPER in non disaster
asses public health perceptions and estimate needs of a community
What is SOLER?
way to communicate and counsel in disaster settings
What does SOLER stand for?
S- Sit Squarely
O- maintain an Open posture
L- Lean towards the other person
E- main Eye contact
Arizona Heat Wave
- 182% increase in reported heat related deaths in 200 compared to 2000-04
- mean age of all 136 deaths - 56
- 66% of discernible ijury locations are identified outdoors
- people outside <65 and ppl inside >65
CONCLUSION: heat impacted a younger population and cosecutive days of heat exposure even among aheat acclimated population, can increase mortality risk
Iowa Floods
Heavy year floodavy flooding displaced many families in eastern Iowa
Hurricane Ike, Taxes (2008)
CDC conducted CASPERS in several counties
- used mortality surveillance
Kentucky Ice Storms
- caused 36 deaths, and 770000 ppl woithout power
- asked for CDC’s assistance is conudction shelter and carbon monoxide surveillance and rapid needs assessments
- continue messaging about CO
= 10 deaths, 28% was attribute to CO poisoning
American Samoa Tsunami and Earthquake (2009)
established drop-in surveillance, resestablishing ongoing public health surveillance and conduction 2 CASPERS
8.4 mag
Haiti Earthquake (2010)
- unable to send large teams
- set up the National Senticel Site Surveillance System
National Senticel Site Surveillance System
Objectives: monitor disease trends, detect outbreaks, and characterize the affected population to target relief efforts .
Deepwater Horizon Gulf Coast OIl Spill (May 2010)
11 deaths
17 injuries
largeest marine petroleum release in history
Caspers on physical health, mental health, behavioural health.