Lesson 3 Flashcards
City state
An independent state consisting of a city and the surrounding territory
Social system based on principle of land for service
Jude’s Christian
Involved beliefs of both Christianity and Judaism
Nation state
Sovereign state in which citizens have significant simulators in terms of language and common descent
Private morality
Virtues of inner faith and obedience to gods law
Public morality
Virtues important for acting in a community
Founders knew that differing religious beliefs had caused
Serious political problems
Judeo christian morality emphasized
Private morality rather than public morality
Christian teachings stressed
Dignity and worth of each human being
Founders commitment to liberty and individual rights sprang from their belief in
Christian ideals
Means of producing and distributing goods are privately owned and operated for profit in competitive markets
Government in Middle Ages followed hierarchical pattern known as
Medieval thinkers borrowed the classical idea of
Harmony between each individual and the whole of society: “Christian republic”
They borrowed the idea of Plato that some parts of society are
More important than others but thy all are necessary for the food of the whole
Essential ideas of feudalism
Society divided into classes and groups
Social relationships were permanent and hereditary
Rights and duties tied to group membership of particular grants of land
During the Renaissance some people began to place greater importance on the
Individual rather than the class or group they were born into
Growing possibilities for individual opportunity led to increased interest in
Philosophers and jurists in he rights of individuals
There was a reexamination of individuals relationship to
Religious institutions and governments
The Protestant reformation was another stimulus to
Modern individualism
Being able to read the Bible for oneself encouraged
Greater freedom of conscience
All individuals were seen as
Equal in the eyes of God
Reformation contributed to creation of modern individualism by inspiring
Spirit of free inquiry and individual conscience
In 1648 the peace of Westphalia end the thirty years war which had been fought since
1618 in what is currently Germany
Peace of Westphalia marked the beginning of the modern system of
Nation states
Peace of Westphalia recognized
National sovereignty, right of each nation state to an independent existence
Each nation state would
Respect others and each nation state would choose their own institutions
Rise o nation state was important to the
Development of modern ideas about government and rights
In capitalism goods and services are
Freely exchanged
Capitalism offered more
Opportunities to people and allowed them to pay attention to private interests
Natural rights philosophy and Protestant religion both contributed to the
Rise of capitalism
Age of Enlightenment
Flourishing scientific and intellectual movement
Francis bacon believed in the power of
Human reason and observation to understand and control nature
Bacons goal was to
Subdue nature for the benefit of humanity
Belief in science and reason also influenced the
Study of human nature and government
Locke and Hobbes ideas founded notion that human behavior could be
Understood predicted and controlled
Montesquieu argued that the form of a society’s government corresponds to the
Social economic and geographic conditions of that society
American founders believes that reason and observation would enable them to
Understand the workings of governmental and social institutions