Lesson 3 Flashcards
Why is bluffing better when world favorability increase?
Because GTO would fold more if the world favor us compared to the fold equity that we need (eg it will defend way less than MDF).
What is the “pot odds norm fold equity” when hero goes B33 on the flop?
From hero’s prespective,let’s assume hero has two napkins, villian needs to fold 1/(1+3)=1/4=25% of the time to make this a profitable bet. That’s the pot odds norm fold equity.
Explain the MDF fallacy
We don’t have to meet MDF in an unfavorable world! As BB vs. UTG on the AA7 board, it’s theoretically correct to overfold compared to the pot odds norm.
Sentences such as “we have to call with type X hand to meet MDF” and “Otherwise he will auto profit/we get run over” are emotional and don’t take into account world favorability.
What is the river blunder theorem?
“It is a blunder to check the river in a favorable situation with very little showdown value”.
Why? fold equity is above the pot odd norms in a favorable situation, so it’s +ev where checking is close to 0 ev. Therefore, betting has higher ev than checking. Therefore, I MUST bet.
Favorable river spot 1: Double delayed c-bet.
CO vs BB, KT5J5 what should CO do with:
- Q8s? 2.A3s? 3. A9o? 4.44?
Board texture is very easy to connect with for preflop raiser with three broadway cards (close to “tsunami” in the language of grade 1), so A-high is near the bottom of CO’s range when getting here:
- Q8s - has no SDV, mandatory bet
- A4 - pure bet
3.A9o - pure bet
- 44 we can check back
Favorable river spot 2: Having condensed (by calling) and being checked to.
SB vs BB SRP, sb bet on AQ6hhs,
XX on 9c
x on 2d
What should I do with the following:
- 74hh
- KTcc
- Mandatory bet with no SDV in a favorable spot - even though it has “negative blockers”. Favorable world overrides blockers.
- Can check or can bet
- same as 2 - optional bluff
- Check back - this hand has enough SDV
What are the bluff tiers?
Tiers 5-7 are the bluffing tiers:
None of them have SDV, they differ only in terms of EV.
Tier 5 has medium EV, tier 6 has low EV, tier 7 has very low EV.
What hands belong to tier 5? What do i do with those pre-river?
Bluff often, in any world (favorable or not). Flush draws, OESD, a gutter to the nuts,gutter with fd blockers,
What are tier-6 hands? What do I do with those pre-river?
bad draws, like a gutshot when 2 flush draws are available, can bet them only in favorable worlds and sometimes in neutral worlds, but never in unfavorable worlds.
What are tier-7 hands? What do I do with those pre-river?
Complete air hands, or blocking folding range, can bluff only in favorable worlds
What do i do with tier 5 on the river, depending on the world?
MUST BLUFF in any world
What do i do with tier 6 on the river, depending on the world?
favorable world- must bluff,
neutral- can bluff
negative world - give up
What do i do with tier 7 on the river, depending on the world?
in a favorable world- must bluff,
neutral and negative worlds - give up
How do I categorize bluffs before the river?
- Nut potential
How do I categorize bluffs on the river?
There’s no nut potential on the river, so it’s only about blockers.
Positive blockers- remove more of villian’s calling range than his folding range = tier 5
Neutral blockers - remove same amount = tier 6
Negative blockers - remove more of villian’s folding range than his calling range = tier 7
Remember that blockers affect by just a few percents, and things like world favorability are more important