Lesson 1 Flashcards
BU vs BB SRP, ATT two-tone board. Which of the following describes what happens to BU’s range when he checks back?
- Weakens
2 .Condenses - Is capped
4 .Keeps range advantage
5.Keeps nuts advantage
6 .Polorizes
- No, In theory it doesn’t weaken range
- Yes-checking condenses the range
- Yes
- Yes-BB has lots of air
- No- while can check back with nutted, checking sheds lots of nut advantage
- No - checking doesn’t polorize :D
BU vs BB SRP, ATT two-tone board. Describe what happens to BU’s range when he checks back?
His range moves towards middling hands. That isn’t to say that BU never checks back trips - in theory, BU can check back trips (unlike AT3 where he never checks back TT/33). But trips will be less abundant in his range.
The X skews BU’s range towards medium equity hands, but he still has hands like JT (trips) and J8 (air).
What’s the relation between world favorability and fold equity?
For a neutral world (not favorable or unfavorable), fold equity is about pot odds. In a favorable world, I’ll get more fold equity, in an unfavorable world I’ll get less fold equity than the pot odds (or 1-MDF).
The more the world is favorable, what happens to the theoretical fold equity?
FE goes up - so we should bet more frequently.
BU vs BB SRP, ATT two-tone board. The fact that BU can bluff delay-cbet with 86s (as an optional bluff) means what?
It means that BU is in a highly favorable world - otherwise BU would be more selective with his bluffs
BU vs BB SRP, ATT two-tone board. Delayed c-bet with 86hh (8 high) - why shouldn’t I think “I have better bluffs with clubs blocker/equity/that are a draw like a gutshot”?
The fact that there are “better bluffs” with more equity or better blockers, doesn’t say anything about whether or not this specific holding should bluff. What I should really think about is how good it is to bet my hand vs how good it is to check my hand.
What does it mean for “polarized” to be a gradable adjective?
It means that it’s not a binary value. an action can be very polarizing (oberbet 3x pot) or slightly polarizing (bet 33% pot with 75% of the range.
Most poker terms (capped,polarized) are gradable and not binary.
What does Clarke’s theorem state?
The more polarised the villain range is, the smaller I should bet, and the less often I should raise.
The less polarized the villain range is, the bigger i should bet and the more often i should raise.
as PFR IP, what do I do on the turn after betting the flop
-4 to a straight board (23456)?
-a pairing turn card (J969)?
-a flush card?
a brick on KQ26
-4 to a straight completely negatve my nut advantage so if i bet, bet very small
-Board pairing and a flush which came, negate some of my nut advantage, so if I bet, not overbet
-on a brick I can overbet as I retain my nut advantage
When are there elements of bluffing present?
When a bluff will fold hands which have a lot of equity vs hero’s hand
What situations are:
-Can’t bluff
-Can bluff
-Should bluff
Can’t bluff - I’m not going to make many hands with better equity fold
Can bluff - I can make hands with better equity fold, and the EV of checking isn’t higher than the EV of betting
Should bluff: same but the EV of betting is higher than the EV of checking
What is a value bet?
When i have a decent amount of equity vs villian’s range AFTER villain called my bet
What’s the difference between can’t value bet, can value bet and should value bet
Can’t value bet - when called villian’s range has more equity than my hand
Can value bet - My hand is doing ok after called AND the ev of checking isn’t likely higher than the ev of betting
Should value bet - same and ev of betting is likely higher than the ev of checking -usually this happens IP when it’s urgent to build the pot sooner.