Lesson 25: Primates Flashcards
social systmes are often driven in part by resource distribution – which in turn the resource distribution drives the ()
ecology –> they influence eachother
behavioral interactions can set you up for ()
often get aloparental care in primates
- care by an individual who is not the direct parent
- infants of high ranking females often derive more benefits from aloparental care than the benefits from infants from lower ranking females
often highly ranked females had more interactions
- raised the notion of being social and raise the benefits of the infant
during social interations can 2 individuals recognize the familiar relationship between eachother
- juvenilles will emit a sound when in peril
- the mother will be the one to respond and other mothers will look at the mother of the screaming baby
where will the losers of conflict often redirect their aggression towards
the relative of the winner –> suggeting awareness of relationships
not easy being the winner
- the stress levels can be chronically elevated partiucularly when the dominace hieratchy is not stable
characteristice of haplorini and the stresurini species
- arboreal
- had complex social systmes
— complex social systems is an ancestral trait to the primates anyway
—- most of these traits can be attributed to the arboreal lifestyle
evolutionary trends: plesiodaptphoria
- ranged from marmot to chipmunk sized
- hypothesized that they went extinct with competion with the rodents
- first primate-like mammal
- nails not claws
- small and noctrunal
- wet nose
- all extant species are endemic to madegasgar
- ancestor probably rafted over from africa
- since that time they have evolved into their own kind of diversity
- very clearly forms that appear to be arboreal and brachiating
- even ape like diversivication
^^^^ due to their isolation
- as a whole are characterized by short snout and also a dry nose
- dienural
- secondarily nocturnal in some
- tarsiiform and tarsier
- relatively small brain and huge orbits
- origin from shift from diennural to noctrunal
antrhropoid skull vs. strepsirrhine
- now fused frontal bones in anthropoid
- fused mandibular symphysis in the arthropoud
- anthropoids have larger brains but a small olfactory lobe
– usually dieurnal
– show much more complex social systems
– many traits characterized by their quadrapedial lifestyle - aborality
- suspensary underbranch (swinging)
Catarrhini (old world and apes) traits
- humans don’t habe vumeronasal orans
- have trichromatic vision
- enables detectinon
– red vs. green –> use of fruit within their diet –> fruit is ripe or not - platerines contain 3 premolars
new world monkeys
- appeared in south america (having presumably rafted from africa)
- 3 molars
- aldolids
- no ape-like form like there is with the old world and the lemurs