Lesson 20 - Geography and Ecology of the Cenozoic, Begin Extant Birds and Lesson 21 Flashcards
cenozoic ecosystem
- increasing isolation on continents from marine environments
- more and more isolating the freshwater bodies from other freshwater bodies
^^ see similarities that often result from convergent evolution
– early cenozoic was dominated by teleosts and the cartilagenous groip - penguins were also present as well as puffins (northern hemisphere)
- whales and dolphins and purposes
- most extant clades are from the cretaceous, so just before the cenozoic
- often refereed to as the age of mammals (cenozoic)
-^^ even thoguh mammals existed before, but they weren’t that diversified and were very small
- appeared in the pleiostecene
- also evergreen forest and deserts
the great american biotic interchange
- north and south america separated with the breakup of pangea
- those faunas developed in isolation
- isolating evolution of fauna in north america and south america
- before this – noth continents had herbivores and carnivores
- eutherians (placental mamamls)
- metatherians – masupeals (originated in south america as a group)
plateting primates
- known as the new world primates
- monkeys
- entered south america from africa in the early part of the senozoic
- got there we think by rafting – they were presumably on somthing – floating vegetation and eroding earth – the gap between the continent was not that wide
- there were no primates — all those niche spaces were available
- had an extensive radiation that old world primates do not have (the new world primates have tails to swing on)
isthmean pairs
- enjoyed passing back and forth between continential areas
- radiated in very similar patterns
- clades have evolved independently –> ex: the butterfuly fish
- many were caused by himans
- only the last glacial period that brought the latest glacial extinction
- repeatedly we have interglacial periods where the glaciers recede and come again
why is it that the most recent glacial period had the most impact on the extinction of vertebrates (and not all many that have occurred before that_
– why has the most proximate cause been from humans
– humans weren’t moving around the world like they were in the earlier glacier periods
- so the movement came with a lot of extinction events as humans had advanced to parts of the earth that they haven’t been yet
- around 11,000 species of birds – probabnly more than that
- flight does not characterize birds
- egg laying is present in all birds
- being dieurnal is in a lot of birds
- best trait to characterize –> feathers –> likely according to mos that some of the non-bird dinosaurs had feathers
- currently no stable robust phylogeny for the birds
lack a joint between the pterigoid and the palatine –> joint is fixed
joint is a hinge between the pterygoid and the palatine
separation of the gallonanserae
chickens and dicks
- where approximately half f the known species are found
- song birds are not part of this
bird characteristics
- size has imposed a constraint on flight
- biggest flighted bird – california condor
- numitization of birds
- fusal of 10-23 caudal vertebrae
- pigeons overcome mass –> in part due to giant keel of sternum
keel of sternum
- associated with the powered flight of birds
- provides a surface area
- can’t have a powerful muscle that is small
- needs a lot of space to attach bones (hence the keel)
major flight muscles
- opposing muscles
- bicep relaxes while tricep relaxes (in humans)
- a muscle never pushes (except for tongue)
- generally have to be on opposite sides
UNIQUE - flight muscles are on the same side
- but this is allowed due to the tendon (pectoralisis and supraoforacoideus)
- key element for not being on opposite sides
– center of gravitt
– muscle needs to be big but it helps to keep the mass low - so this might have evolved to give the agile bird a lower center of gravity
feather tracts
- they don’t just cover the entire body
- feathers are located in certain patches
- big areas where there is no feather growth
- feathers grow in tracts
- since so many feathers spread out – it looks like they are covered in feathers
- most are betaketainin –
- ppigments give them color and can strengthen them
- central shaft
- barb extending off of the ruckus
(barbules extending out from the barbules (proximal and distal barbules))
birds are restablishing the integrity of the vein on their feathers
- also preening applies oil
penacious feathers
- flight and protection
- like shedding water when it rains
a downing feather
- plumulacious feathers
- insulation
- sensory structures
- know the position of feathers
contor (double check tho)
- kind of combination of a downing and a contour feather
bristle feathers
used for screening out foreign feaathers
understanding bird flight is problematic –> we still do not know a lot about how birds fly 00 we do know how they generate lift
—- bernoulli effect
cross section of the wing for flight and how they lift
- if you look at the leading edge — the distance over the wing from the leading edge to the trailing edge depends whether you go over the top or bottom
- air hits the front and has 2 ways of travelling (top or bottom)
- the ones on bottom are lagging
- end result is that the air molecules traveling over the top of the wing travel a little faster
- causes a pressure drop (faster moving molecules)
- net upward pressure
- SHAPE – cambor – that results in lift
wing loading volume
- mass divided by an area measure
- heavier birds have greater wing loading
- affects the power it needs to fly
bird hindlimbs
- ostrich has only 2 toes
- rhea - 3 toes - specialized in running
- secretary - 3 toes forward, 1 toe backwards
- roadrunner - 2 toes forwards, 2 toes backwards
feet for swimming
- do have a generally wide body through
- legs tend to be further shiften to the rear
- webbing isn’t always the same
- some birds have all 4 toes webbed
- others have lobed foot
— like paddles
— coolapse on themselves during forward strike
use their wigs exclusively for aquatic flight
diving petreles
wings are used for submarine and aerial flight