lesson 24: Compared to, Relatively Flashcards
It’s small.
작은 편이에요.
It’s rather small. / It’s on the smaller side. / It’s not the biggest. / It tends to be small.
It’s expensive.
비싼 편이에요.
It’s rather expensive. / It’s not the cheapest. / It’s a bit expensive.
피아노를 잘 쳐요.
I play the piano well.
피아노를 잘 치는 편이에요.
I play the piano rather well. / I am not too bad at playing the piano.
지난 주에 비해서 바쁜 편이에요. / 지난 주보다 바쁜 편이에요.
We are somewhat busier compared to last week.
한국어에 비해서 일본어는 발음이 쉬운 편이에요.
Compared to Korean, Japanese tends to have easier pronunciation.
저에 비하면 잘하는 편이에요.
If you compare it to me, you are pretty good at it.
저에 비해서 잘하는 편이에요.
Compared to me, you are pretty good at it.
여기는 다른 곳에 비해서 조용한 편이에요.
This place is, compared to other places, pretty quiet.
그래도 버스에 비해서 지하철이 빠른 편이에요.
But still, compared to the bus, the subway is faster.
저도 여기 자주 오는 편이에요.
I come here quite frequently, too.
로빈 씨 가족은 다 키가 크시네요.
Robin, your family members are all tall!
그렇게 큰 편은 아니라고 생각했는데.
I didn’t think they were that tall.
저희 가족에 비하면 큰 편이죠.
Compared to my family, they are quite tall.