lesson 16: (To say) that something/someone + verb Flashcards
나 먼저 간다.
I’m going to go.
나 이거 먹는다.
I’m going to eat this.
to call
뭐라고 했어요?
What did you say?
전화 온다고 했어요.
Said the phone is ringing.
그 사람이 내일 온다고 해요.
He says that he will come tomorrow.
그 사람이 언제 온다고 했어요?
When did he say he would come?
그 사람이 이거 뭐라고 했어요?
What did he say this was?
한국은 겨울에 정말 춥다고 들었어요.
I heard that it’s very cold during winter in Korea.
여기에 뭐라고 써야 돼요?
What should I write here?
저도 간다고 말해 주세요.
Please tell them that I am going to go, too.
이거 재미있다고 들었어요.
I heard that this is fun.
저도 간다는 메시지를 남겼어요.
I left a message saying that I would go, too.
주연 씨 결혼한다는 소식 들었어요?
Have you heard the news that Jooyeon is getting married?
경은 씨가 제주도에 간다는 이야기를 들었어요.
I heard (a story that) someone (was) saying that Kyeong-eun was going to Jeju Island.