Lesson 2--Review of VLIW Flashcards
Describe the RISC Architecture
- -Simple, fewer instructions
- -Fixed length instructions
- -Complexity in compiler
- -Only LOAD/STORE instructions access memory
- -Few addressing modes
- -simpler hardware
- -lower per-chip cost
- -code expansion can be a problem
Describe the CISC Architecture
- -many complex instructions
- -variable length instructions
- -complexity in microcode
- -many instructions access memory
- -many accessing modes
- -makes more efficient use of a slow memory
- -requires less complicated compiler
- -instructions take different amounts of time to execute
Lots of registers
Lower number of transistors than other designs
Can take advantage of size efficiencies, price, power consumption
not backward compatible or easily upgradable
Instruction Scheduling: VLIW vs Superscalar
Superscalar: Done by hardware at run-time
VLIW: Done by compiler
Which parts of Superscalar and VLIW handle data dependency?
Superscalar: Checked and resolved by hardware
VLIW: Checked by compiler
The hardware of this architecture handles all register renaming
A high bandwidth between instruction cache and fetch unit
The hardware of this architecture tries to issue as many instructions in parallel as possible
This architecture has larger power consumption.
In addition to the “normal compiler” tasks a VLIW compiler also includes
scheduling and operation
independence recognizing software
Which (RISC or CISC) requires more instructions for the same task
ISA stands for
Instruction Set Architecture
Explain the Front end role of a compiler
parses specific language
Explain the Middle role of a compiler
A machine independent high-level optimizer which creates an intermediate language independent form.
Explain the Back End role of a compiler
Converts Machine independent instructions to machine code.
Most important in Embedded system because it allows you to tune code for processor which we are optimizing.
Compilers for embedded systems require a higher code efficiency than superscalar systems T/F?
In this type of ISA the hardware handles all register renaming
Which type of ISA requires a high bandwidth between the instruction cache and the fetch unit?
In this type of ISA the hardware tries to issue as many instructions as possible in parallel