Lesson 19 Flashcards
According to David Bernard, what is a type?
Something in the Old Testament that had a real existence of its own but foreshadowed or prefigured a permanent or greater truth in the New Testament.
How are types different from other symbols in the Bible?
They always involve a prophetic element and point to something in the future.
List the two classes of types?
a. Innate types
b. Inferred types
List the two major areas of type materials.
a. Tabernacle
b. Wilderness Wanderings
What is a symbol, and how does it differ from a type?
A symbol represents something else, unlike a type which always points to something in the future
Give two verses which prove that biblical authors do not always use symbols in the same way (include the symbol and who it refers to)
a. The lion as as the Devil 1 Peter 5:8
b. The Lion as Jesus Revelation 5:5
What is a prophetic gap?
The space of time not foreseen by the prophet
What illustration is often used to demonstrate the gap principle?
The idea of looking at mountain range