Lesson 15 Flashcards
What is labelling
This is attaching a definition to a certain person, usually originating from stereotypes.
What did studies show about labelling
That teacher apply labels regardless of the pupils ability or attitude.
These labels usually base off sterotypes
What was Howard Beckers study on labelling
Carried out a study on 60 Chicago teachers from mainly middle class schools and mainly working class schools
What did the majority working class school show
Discipline was a major problem and the ideal student is presented as quiet and obedient
What did the majority middle class school show
School has little to no discipline problems. Pupils are labelled by personality and ability
What did Beckers study into primary education show
Clowns and Lions- This displayed the ability of the children
The higher the knowledge, the closer they sat to the teacher.
The clowns sat further away
What did Beckers study into secondary education show
Teachers have normalised the underachievement of the working class.
WC Parents- Uninterested
MC Parents- Supportive
What is the self fulfilling prophecy
The teacher labels the student on the basis of performance.
Teacher provides student with extra attention due to the label.
Student acknowledges the label and performs better and vice versa