Lesson 12 (content analysis) Flashcards
Whats content analysis
Form of indirect observation. Not observing people directly, but through the content they produce. Analysed in a systematic way so that conclusions cna be made
Why conduct content analysis?
Can be used to determine the presence of certain words, themes or concepts within sources of data
Can provide valuble insights into cultural and/or societal trends overtime
Allows researcher to take qualitative data and transform it to quantitative data
Strengths of content analysis
Data had mundane realism and therefore had high ecological validity.
Sources used in analysis can be kept. Therefore others can repeat the study (standardised procedure) to confirm external reliability of findings
Weakness of content analysis
Observer bias: one researcher might interpret dataor meaning of categories differently to another, and record behaviour differently. Chalkenge internal validity
If categories are poorly consturcted, can be misunderstood by observer, issued with internal validity
Improving validity and reliability
Operationalising variables will improve interrater reliability. Consistency in ratings between observers increases internal validity.
Coding systems help to record data, keeping the research focused. Help reduce sibjectivity of analysis and make it objective and valid