Lesson 11: Earthquake - Seismology Flashcards
Define the focus/hypocenter
Where rock slippage originates in the ground
Define the epicenter.
the point on the ground surface directly above the focus/hypocenter
Define seismic waves.
how stored-up energy is released; radiates in all directions from the focus/hypocenter
What are the different types of body waves?
- Longitudinal ( P) Waves
- Transverse (S) Waves
How are Longitudinal (P) Waves characterized?
Particle motion: alternating compression and dilation (parallel to the direction of propagation)
Speed: Travels the fastest
Traveling media: Solids, liquids, and gases
How are Transverse (S) Waves characterized?
Particle motion: alternating transverse motions (perpendicular to the direction of propagation)
Speed: Slower than P waves in a solid
Traveling media: Not through fluids
What are the different types of surface waves?
- Rayleigh waves
- Love waves
How are Rayleigh Waves characterized?
Particle motion: elliptical, motion is both in the direction of propagation and perpendicular (vertical plane)
Speed: slower than love waves
Traveling media: Solids
How are Love Waves characterized?
Particle motion: Alternating transverse motions; horizontal and perpendicular to the direction of propagation
Speed: Faster than Rayleigh waves, but slower than P and S waves
Traveling media: solids
How do we measure earthquakes?
- Magnitude
- Intensity
Compare magnitude and intensity.
Magnitude: the amount of energy released; an earthquake has 1 magnitude
Intensity: degree of shaking on the surface; values are assigned to locations
How are earthquakes distributed in terms of plate boundaries?
- Divergent plate boundaries at midocean ridges/spreading centers and continental rift zones
- Convergent plate boundaries at subduction and suture zones
- Transform plate boundaries
What are the different ways that earthquakes cause destruction?
1. Seismic waves
2. Ground ruptures
3. Fault scarps
4. Ground shaking
5. Liquefaction
6. Elevation Changes
7. Mass wasting
8. Tsunamis
9. Health problems
When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source. The source (within the earth) is referred to as the _____.
___ have the highest velocities (are the fastest seismic waves).
P waves
The distance between a seismological recording station and the earthquake source is determined from the ________.
comparison of arrival times of P and S waves.
The _______ scale measures the total energy released during an earthquake. It does not directly measure the extent of building damage.
Moment Magnitude
_ is the maximum possible damage designation on the Modified Mercalli scale.
The ______ is the point on the ground surface directly above the focus or hypocenter.
________ are relatively smaller earthquakes that sometimes precede the largest earthquake in a series, which is termed the mainshock.
A ______ wave is a surface wave having a horizontal motion that is transverse/perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling,
The ____ is a number that characterizes an earthquake’s relative size (amount of energy released).
Earth’s most powerful earthquakes occur at ________
Convergent boundaries - subduction zones
During _______, a near-surface layer of water-saturated sand changes rapidly from a solid to a liquid, causing buildings to float on Earth.
Your house stands the greatest chance of surviving a large earthquake if it is built on top of ______.
hard igneous rock
Approximately how fast do tsunami waves travel in the open ocean?
450 MPH
Which type of plate boundary is the frequent site of tsunami initiation?
Convergent-subduction zone
Which of the following US states has the highest tsunami risk?
a. Texas
b. Florida
c. Washington
d. Maine
c. Washington
(T/F): The ground surface can go up (uplift) or go down (subside) following an earthquake