Lesson 11 Flashcards
-Homologous chromosomes that are same or similar chromosomes in males and females.
How autosomes do humans have
Sex chromosomes-
Chromosomes that are different in males and females.
How sex chromosomes do humans have
Polygenic Traits-
Traits that are produced through the interaction of several genes.
Turner Syndrome-
Only gets 1 sex chromosome. X. Appear female but sex organs do not develop at puberty.
Insert a karyotype of a person with Turner Syndrome
45X or 45XO
Klinefelter Syndrome-
Get two X’s and 1 Y. Appear male but are sterile. 47XXY
Multiple alleles-
A gene with more than two alleles.
Sex-Linked Genes-
A gene located on one of the sex chromosomes.
Chromosomal Mutations-
Involve segments, whole or sets of chromosomes.
Both alleles are active so both are expressed.
Incomplete dominance-
The active allele does not completely dominate over the inactive allele so the outcome is in between.
Sex-Influenced Traits-
A trait that is caused by a gene whose expression is different in males and females.
Male Pattern Baldness-Controlled by a gene with two alleles
Bb-Men=Bald, Women=Normal
bb=Bald in both (rare)