Lesson 1: What is abnormal psychology? Flashcards
What are the four contemporary criteria for abnormality?
Danger (to self or others)
Definition of deviance
Statistical infrequency (rarity) or deviation from the norm
Most psychological disorders occur in a _____ of the population
______ is telling us what is normal.
Just being deviant from the norm does NOT mean that you have a psychological disorder. It must also be _________.
Since society tells us what is normal, then norms can change with ____ and ______.
time; culture
Of the four D’s, _____ is the least helpful.
Definition of dysfunction
Functional impairement in work, relatioships, self-care, etc.
Many disorders lead to functional ________
Some behaviors are dysfunctional without being abnormal, such as ______
sedentary lifestyle
Definiton of (personal) destress
psychological suffering and a desire for symptoms to stop
Most disorders present some degree of ______
What are some examples of abnormal behavior that is not destressing to the individual?
Delusions, antisocial personality
True or false: When someone is a danger to themselves or others, it can be a sign of severe psychological problems
When looking at danger, you must also consider _______
can the individual care for themselves?
How does the APA / DSM-5 define abnormal behavior? (which 2 Ds?)
“clinically significant distress or dysfunction”
Assessment is the process of collecting relevant information to determine:
How and why the person is behaving abnormal
How the person might be helped
True or false: Assessment is essentially just making a diagnosis
False; it’s much broader than that
The specific tools used in an assessment depend on the clinician’s _______ _________
theoretical orientation
What are the three main categories of assessment?
Clinical interview
The tests of an assessment should have good ________ and _______
reliability; validity
Define reliability
Who invented CBT?
Aaron Beck
Aaron Beck, creator of CBT, was trained in the ______ approach
In a research setting, structured/unstructured interviews are almost always used.
The best interview style may be ________ (Rytwinski bias)
What is a semi-structured interview?
Some questions that we’ll ask everybody, but depending on how the client answers those standardized questions, the therapist will answer follow-up questions.