Lesson 1 (Q2) Flashcards
The origin and development of modern humans can be explained through study of
biological and cultural evolution
are key concepts in the study of the origins of modern humans.
Biological and cultural Evolution
refers to the charges, modifications, & variations in the genetics and inherited traits of biological populations.
Biological Evolution
Refers to the changes or development in cultures from a simple form to a more complex form of human culture.
cultural/sociocultural Evolution
A result of human adaptation to different factors like climatic changes and population increase
cultural/sociocultural Evolution
Biological evolution is based on the theory that was introduced by the famous English naturalist and geologist.
charles darwin
Because of the result of Charles Darwin’s studies, he introduced the concept of evolution to explain the origins of modern humans in his published work entitled
On The Origins of species by Means of natural selection (1859)
Natural selection has 3 important principles
1 Variation
2 Heritability
3. Differential reproductive success
-organisms exhibit individual variation in appearance and behavior
- traits are consistently passed from parents to offspring.
- leave mort offspring in the next generation
Differential reproductive success
The transformation from apelike ancestors to modern humans occured after million yrs of
biological & cultural evolution
In this process of evolution, our apelike ancestors developed and eventually became modern humans
biological & cultural evolution
For archeologist, these are important sources of information in the recontruction of human evolution.
artifacts and fossils
refer to human, plant, and animals remains to have preserved through time
refers to the objects that were made and used by humans.
General term used by the scientist to categorize the group of early humans and other human- like creatures that can walk erect during the prehistoric times.
4 categories of hominid based on the age of artifacts and fossils that were found.
Sahelanthropus, Ardipethecus, Australopithecus, and Homo
-they are considered as the prehuman stage of evolution.
The Australopithecus, Sahelanthropus and Ardipethecus
is part of the human stage of evolution
Their Fossils were all excavated in the African continent
Australopithecus, Sahelanthropus and Ardipethecus
The first hominid came from the lineage of
Sahelanthropus tchadensis species (6-7 million ago yrs
-It had both apelike and humanlike characteristics
Sahelanthropus tchadensis species
Characteristics of Sahelanthropus tchadensis species
Skull: similar to Autralopithecus & modern human Height: Almost similar to chimpanzee.
Brain Size: 320-380 cc had the ability to walk. upright
Orrorin tugenensis (5.7 million yrs ago) and the Ardipethecus family had 2 species
Ardipethecus kadabba (5.6 million yrs.)
Ardipethecus Ramidus (4.4 million yrs.)
Characteristics of ardipethecus ramidus
•6 Height of about 4 feet.
•Weight about 120 pounds.
• Skull size similar to an ape
• Small brain
•Lived in the forest
Tool users only and not tool makers
Australopithecus or southern ape
They are food scavengers
there are a species of Australopithecus and they are divided into 2 major categories:
The gracile and the robust
Had small teeth and jaw.
Gracile Australopithecus
Included in this Gracile Australopithecus are the
Australopithecus anamensis Australopithecus afarensis
Australopithecus Africanus
Included in Robust Australopithecus
- Australopithecus aethiopics
-Australopithecus robustus
-Australopithecus Boisei
They had large teeth, jaws, and muscular built
Australopithecus Boisei
considered as the common ancestor of the Australopithecus species
Autralopithecus Afarensis
Lucy was discovered ________ in November by paleoanthropologist led by Dr. Donald Johanson
Hadar, Ethiopia
was considered as one of the modern human’s earliest ancestor and remains as the famous hominid fossil discovered
Australopithecus afarensis
The Australopithecus is replaced by a more intelligent group of hominids that belongs to a new genus.
The Homo
were classified as humans and not humanlike creatures because they had bigger brains and were bipedal
The Homo
According to fossil evidences, they are first lived in Africa
The homo species included the
Homo habilis
Homo erectus
Homo sapiens
Homo habilis made tools called
Handy man
Homo habilis
was the next species to fluorish, and this species came from Homo erectus.
Homo ergaster (18 million yrs ago)
are known for making complex tools for digging, cutting, and scraping. Making and using hand axe tools for slicing, chopping and digging and considered as skillful hunters
Homo erectus
Based on artifacts Excavated, they are the first Homo species to use fire and live in caves and small houses made of tree branches
Homo erectus
Through use of fire, they were able to live in cold and dark places like caves. It allows them to cook food and meat, to protect them from attacking wild animals.
Homo erectus
It was also believed that they was the first Homo to use spoken language.
Homo erectus
was first discovered in Africa. Later, they started to travel outside of the African Continent. They reached as far as Asia and Southern Europe
The Homo erectus fossil
The first fossil of the Homo Erectus in Asia was found in the .
Longgupo Cave in China
Became known as the Java Man
Trinil, Java, Indonesia
Homo erectus skill excavated in Zhoukoudian, China and became known as the
Peking Man
The last genus in the evolution Ladder of the Homo family and considered as modern humans
Homo Sapiens
The wise man
Homo sapiens
The upright man
Homo erectus
Included in the species are the archaic
-Homo Sapiens of Africa
-Homo heidelbergensis
- Homo neanderthalensis
-Homo Sapiens Sapiens
is now the first fossil skeleton to be considered as a species of the Homo sapiens