Lesson 1 of Fundamentals: Ethics, Law and Code of Ethics Flashcards
CFP Board Code of Ethics
A CFP Professional must
- Act with honesty, integrity, competence, and diligence.
- Act in the client’s best interest
- Exercise due care - did what they were supposed to do.
- Avoid or disclosure and manage conflict of interests.
- Maintain confidentiality and protect the privacy of clients’ information.
- Act in a manner that reflects positively on the financial planning profession and CFP Certification.
EXAM TIP: Certificant must follow the letter and the spirit of the code.
Standard of Conducts
A. Duties Owed to the Client
B. Financial Planning and Application of the Practice Standards for the Financial Planning Process
C. Practice Standards for the Financial Planning Process
D. Dutied Owed to the Firm and Subordinates
E. Duties Owed to CFP Board
F. Prohibition on Circumvention
Fiduciary Duty (investment advisors act)
Act in the best interests of the client. Requires professionals to adhere to all objectives, policies, restrictions, and lawful instructions set by the client engagement or client.
Three duties must be filled:
(1). Duty of Loyalty:
- Place the interests of clients above CFP professional and the CFP professional firm.
- Avoid conflict of interests.
- Act without regard to the financial or other interests of the CFP professional the firm, or any entity other then the client.
(2.) Duty of Care:
- Must act with care, skill, prudence (thought), and diligence that a prudent professional would exercise in light of the clients goals, risks, objectives and personal circumstances.
(3.) Duty to follow Clients Instructions:
- Must comply with all objectives, policies, and restrictions. and other terms of the engagement and all reasonable and lawful directions of the client.
Key Words:
- Honest
- Upstanding (respectable)
- Candor (open)
Test Tips:
- Allows for innocent mistakes and differences of opinion.
- Does not commit fraud, deceive, or violate the spirit of the rules.
- Doing the right thing.
Key Words:
- Relevantly Apply Knowledge
Test Tips:
- A CFP Professional does not have to master all areas of planning.
- Gain competence, obtain assistance, limit the engagement, or refer if competence is lacking.
- Contunuing education requirement for CFP certificants 30 hours every two years, including 2 hours of ethics.
- Practice what you know, refer what you don’t.
- Know Limitations
Renew CFP on your birthday month.
Key Words:
- Timely
- Thorough
Test Tips:
- Timely is not instant
- Timely allows for the normal course of doing business on the part of the CFP professional.
Disclose and Manage Conflicts of Interests
A material conflict is one that could impact advice given by the CFP professional or cause potential harm.
Key Words:
- Active Consent
- Disclosure
- Manage
- Material Conflict
- Ambiguity
Test Tips:
- Consent does not need to be in writing
- Larger Potential for harm, greater the need for disclosure
- Ambiguity on the side of the client
- Assume financial conflicts are material.
- Divorce and business are examples of a CFP has duties to one client that are adverse to another client.
Disclose Conflicts:
- Compensation
- Limited Product Set
- Proprietary Funds
- Referrals
Manage Conflicts:
- Couple in divorce or in the process of a divorce. You cannot manage both because of a conflict of interest and keep what is best for each.
When does a material conflict of interest exist for a CFP Professional?
- When it could cause harm or impact potential advice.
Practice Question of Disclose and Manage Conflicts of Interest
Samuel, a CFP Certificant, owns a mutual fund for his daughter’s education account and has been happy with the investment performance. If Samuel recommends this fund to a client, must he disclose his ownership in the mutual fund?
a) Yes, because it is a conflict of interest.
b) No, because it is for his daughter, not him.
c) Yes, because it is not suitable for the client.
d) No, because Samuel’s ownership is not material.
Answer: D
Sound and Objective Professional Judgment
Key Words:
- Exercise Judgement
- Not subordinated
Test Tips:
- Do not accept or solicit gifts that could influence judgment
- Fruit Basket: Yes
- Ferrari: No
Key Words:
- Dignity
- Courtesy
- Respect
Test Tips:
- Applies to clients, potential clients and other Financial professionals
Comply with the law
Key Words:
- Laws
- Rules
- Regulations
- Standards
Test Tips:
- Avoid intentionally or recklessly violating laws, rules, regulations or standards by participating or assisting
- Recklessly can apply to making poor referrals
Laws with FINRA, SEC, and state Insurance licensing need to be followed. Other laws of licenses you have.
*Confidentiality and Privacy
Key Words:
- Consent
- Ordinary Business
- Legal and Enforcement Purposes
- Policies
Test Tips:
- Client consent does not need to be in writing
- No absolute confidentiality:
“Ordinary Business”:
- requires consent if we are sharing info for reasons other than ordinary business.
- Necessary for audits,
- CFP Firms and others who are providing services,
- CFP Professionals audits,
- attorneys,
- accountants,
- a person acting in a representative capacity for the client (attorney).
- Any persons or businesses the client has provided oral or written consent. As necessary to provide information to the attorneys, accountants, auditors.
- A client must provide consent before their information can be shared with affiliated firms.
“Legal and Enforcement Purposes”
- does NOT require consent.
- To comply with federal, state, or local law
- Sonpoena
- Defend against wrong doing or civil claim.
- Regulation S-P is for federal laws.
- Inform clients they could have to share information of client without their consent. Legal reasons.
- “Must have policies and processes to protect confidentiality, deliver in writing at or before engagement and every 12 months if they change.
- Carve out on policy delivery for regulation S-P; B/D, Federal converted IRAs.
*Provide Information to a Client
Key Words:
- Financial Advice
- Financial Planning
Test Tips:
- Financial Advice requires seven elements:
- Description, Pay, Compensation, Bankrupcies & Regulatory Events, Conflicts of Interest, Economic Benefit of Referrals, Other Material Information
- Financial Planning is all of the above scopes of Engagement, Limitations, period of services, and Responsibilities.
- Monitoring is assumed unless excluded from the scope of engagement.
- Have to update clients on information that is a material change. 90 days, on webpages. Change of address, change of fee structure.
Duties when communicating with a client
Key Words:
- Reasonable
- Expected to Understand
- Avoid Complexity
Test Tips:
- Ensure client understanding
- Consider multiple forms of communication
Duties when representing compensation
Key Words:
- Fee-Only
- Fee-based
- Sales Related Compensation
- Soft Dollars
- Non Monetary Benefits
- Related Party
Test Tips:
Fee-Only: Direct fees charged to clients or related to financial assets.
- Ex: Hourly fees, flat fees,m subscription fees, assets under management, custodial platform fees, salary or bonus not related to sales or production goals, travel to custodian or research conference (Education element, not based by sales/performance of financial assets, paid for by RIA custodian)
Sales Related Compensation: Commissions, fees or compensations received as a result of selling or recommending a financial asset.
- Ex. Front load, back load, 12b-1 fees, insurance product commissions, sales based non cash travel incentives, salary or bonus based related sales or production goals, direct or indirect beneifts from related entity receiving sales based compensation. (No education element, based on sales/performance of financial assets, paid by broker dealer, insurance company, related entity). Referral Fees, revenue fees, trnasaction fees.
“Fee-Based” = Any combination of elements from Fee Only & Sales Related Compensation.
$.01 of sales-related compensation eliminates the ability to use ‘Fee-Only”
12b-1 Fees are specifically slated as sales-related compensation and fees
Control and compensation from a related party earning sales-related compensation eliminate the ability to use ‘Fee-Only” with a few carve-outs.
“Fee-Based” = Fee & sales related compensation. Stock on insurance policy.
Soft Dollar (research or speaking services supplied by an investment company or B/D) are not sales-related compensation
Related party:
- A person or business entity whose receipt of sales-related compensation a reasonable CFP professional would view as benefiting the CFP professional or the CFP professional’s firm, including the stake in the business entity.
- Family Member: A member of the CFP Professional’s family and any business entity that the family or members of the family controls.
- Business entity: A business entity the CFP or CFP firm controls, that is controlled by or is under common control with, the CFP firm.
How the Client Pays
Provided prior to or at the time of engagement.
Cover all charges and descriptions.
- Product Management Fees
- Surrender chards and sales loads.
Documents that may contain the information.
- ADV Part 2
- Engagement Letter
- Brokerage Agreement
- Offering Documents
- Prospectus
Duties of Recommending, Engaging or Working with Additional Persons
Key Words:
- Reasonable Basis
- Repuation
- Experience
- Qualifications
- Disclosure
- Reasonable Care
Test Tips:
- This standard requires referring on the basis of reputation, experience and qualifications
- Provide disclosure to client if paid a referral fee or given a substantial economic benefit
- Fruit Basket = No need to disclose, Check = Yes, need to disclose.
Duties of Selecting and Using Technology
Key Words:
- Reasonable Care and Judgement
- Level of Understanding
Test Tips:
- Understanding calculations and assumptions
- Understand Monte Carlo Simulation
- Be able to change assumptions
- The client can tell the difference between reaching goals and cash flows.
Refrain from Borrowing or Lending Money and Commingling
Key Words:
- Commingle
- Client Assets
- Borrow
- Lend
Test Tips:
- Client lending/borrowing generally prohibited
- Exception family members, or a legal entity in the business who lend/borrow
- CFP Professionals or their employer cannot commingle with client assets. Pooling financial assets from multiple sources into a common account.
- No prohibition against working with clients who have commingled funds.
(B) Financial Planning and the Application of the Practice Standards
The duties a CFP owes a client deepen if they are engaging in financial planning rather than making recommendations of financial assets. A CFP must follow practice standards if they are performing financial planning but not when recommending or transacting financial assets. The section of the code of ethics and standard of conduct defines, applies, and provide examples of the process of financial planning.
Financial Planning and Client Definitions
Financial Planning:
- It is a collaborative process that helps maximize a client’s potential for meeting life goals through Financial Advice that integrates relevant elements of the client’s personal and financial circumstances.
Any person, including a natural person, business organization, or legal entity, to whom the CFP professional provides or agrees to provide Professional Services pursuant to an Engagement.
Two examples of transactional relationships include:
*When a client requires analysis, such as creating a balance sheet, cash flow statement, or financial ratio the CFP is likely engaging in Financial Planning. When a client has goals beyond a simple transaction the CFP is likely practicing Financial Planning. The CFP regardless of compensation and business startegy should defer toward considering engagement “financial planning” unless they are certain the engagement is transactional and does not involved quantitative or qualitative analysis.
*Buying compulsory property/causality insurance without other consultation: As long as no quantitative and qualitative analysis.
- A client who contacts a CFP Professional and requires collision and other than collision auto insurance. The CFp can bind and place coverage without. Detailed analysis, especially if the client requests state minimum coverage and is not responsible for fact-finding. The CFP is still held to the Code of ethics, but is not required to follow Financial Planning Practice Standards.
*A Real Estate transaction without analysis or planning:
- A CFP who is also a Realtor may help their clients purchase personal, rental, or commercial property. To the extent the client has asked for representation without financial analysis, a CFP Professional must act ethically, but it not bound by the practice standards.
(C) Financial Planning Process
1.Understanding the Client’s Personal and Financial Circumstances
2.Identifying And Selecting Goals
3.Analyzing the Client’s Current Course of Action and Potential Alternative Courses of Action
4.Developing the Financial Planning Recommendation
5.Presenting to the Financial Planning Recommendations
6.Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendations
7.Monitoring Progress and Updating
Uber Is A Drunk Person’s Immediate Motor vehicle.
Exam Note
A CFP professional is responsible for all steps of the financial planning process unless specifically excluded from the scope of engagement.
CFP professionals must prudently document information as facts and circumstances require (When in doubt, document)
- CRM Software
- Handwritten notes
- Emails
Understanding the Client’s Personal and Financial Circumstances
Key Words:
- Qualitative and Quantitative Information
- Analyze Information
- Address Incomplete Information
- Scope of Engagement
Test Tips:
- Both quantitative and qualitative information are equally important
- Quantitative: Age, Assets, Liquidity, Estate Plans, Cash Flows
- Qualitative: Values: Life Expectancy, Risk Tolerance
- Restrict scope of engagement of necessary information is not provided or available
Data Gathering:
- May be obtained directly from the client, or other sources, interviews, questionnaires, client records, and documents.
- The planner should be an active and engaged listener.
- Four categories of information gathered by the planner include:
- Lists of assets & liabilities
- Dollar values
- Ownership information
- Contractual agreements
Identifying And Selecting Goals
Key Words:
- Identify Goals (Personal & Financial Circumstances –Develop reasonable assumptions (Life expectancy) & estimates (tax rates, investment returns)
- impact of effects on other Goals
- Prioritize Goals
- Which goals are unrealstic
Test Tips:
- Goal selection and prioritization are ongoing throughout the planning process.
- Scarcity of resources impact one another
Analyzing the Client’s Current Course of Action and Potential Alternative Courses of Action
Key Words:
- Current Course of Action
- Advantages & Disadvantages
- Potential Course of Action
- Potential alternatives course of action does not become a recommendation until the CFP professional selects it as a recommendation in step 4 of the action, the development part.
Test Tips:
- Objectively analyze the good and the bad of current and proposed actions.
- Products and strategies are not favored or recommended by the CFP Board, only process. Keep personal bias in check on the exam.
Developing the Financial Planning Recommendation
Key Words:
- Assumptions
- Select one or more recommendations to Maximize Potential to meet goals.
- Basis for making recommendations
- Consider Timing and Priority to meet goals.
- Independent or In concert
- Is recommendation independent or must it be implemented with another recommendation.
Test Tips:
- Select answers that maximize the potential to meet goals (consider cost, liquidity, risk)
- Transactions stand as independent recommendations; Financial Planning most often requires goals to work together.
Recommendations shall be consistent with the following
- Mutually defined scope of engagement
- Mutually defined client goals, needs, and priorities;
- Quantitative data provided by the client
- Personal and economic assumptions
- Practioner’s analysis and evaluation of the client’s current situation; and
- Alternative(s) elected by the practitioner
A recommendation may to just be continuing the current course of action.
Presenting to the Financial Planning Recommendations
Key Words:
- Information
- Developing
Test Tips:
- Present recommendations and discuss with the client before acting on them
- Process > Product
- Present to the client the selected recommendation(s) and the information that was required to be considered on developing the situation.
- Provide advantages and disadvantages of contnuing current plan and any alternative plans.
- Recommendations may be presented orally, in writing, in person, over the phone, or another format if client needs.
- Consider the complexitity of your recommendation when determining the presentation.
- Keep in mind any visual or hearing impairment.
Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendations
Key Words:
- Responsibilities
- Identify
- Analyze
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
Test Tips:
- Different business models put different levels of responsibility on the client and the planner
- Consider stand-alone goals (buying P&C coverage) and those that have to be implemented together (estate planning)
- Process > Product
- Must be completed unless specifically excluded.
- Establish responsibilities of the client, CFP Professional, and any third parties.
- Includes CPA, Attorney, Insurance agent, etc.
- Set timeline and priority.
- Identifying, Analyzing, and Selecting Actions, Products and Services
- Recommending Actions, Products, and Services for Implementation
- Select implementation actions, products, and services.
Implementation in Practice
Select appropriate products and services that are consistent with the client’s goals, needs, and priorities.
Investigate products or services that reasonably address the client’s needs.
Products or services must be suitable to the client’s financial situation and consistent with the client’s goals, needs, and priorities.
Use professional judgment incorporating both qualitative and quantitative information in selecting the products and services that are in the client’s interest.
The planner should use an implementation timeline for all parties.
Client’s Participation
After recommendations are presented
- The client is solely responsible for accepting or rejecting the recommendations
- Once a recommendation is accepted, the planner can move toward implementation.
Monitoring Progress and Updating
Key Words:
- Monitoring Responsibilities
- Progress
- Collaborate
- Update
Test Tips:
- Must establish monitoring duties but not necessarily monitor (if specifically excluded from the scope)
- The CFP board does not state how frequently monitoring or progress updates must take place (states approximate intervals)
- A CFP professional must specifically state they are not monitoring. Otherwise, monitoring is assumed.
Monitoring the Plan:
- Must be completed unless specifically excluded.
- How and when
- Client’s responsibility to update
- Monitor the client’s progress
- Obtain current qualitative and quantitative information.
- Update goals, recommendations, or implementation decisions
- Determine if the terms of engagement are up to date.
Monitoring in Practice
Two types of reviews
- Regular reviews: occur at predetermined intervals.
- Episodic reviews: occur after major, life-changing events.
Investment results should be communicated at least quarterly or monthly during periods of extreme volatility.
Investment management may require more frequent plan reviews. Performance benchmarks should be used at least annually. (risk, return, allocation)
(D) Duties Owed to Firms and Subordinated
Use reasonable care when supervising:
- A CFP Professional must exercise reasonable care when supervising a person acting under the CFP Professional’s direction, including employees and other persons whim the CFP has responsibility, with a view toward preventing violation of applicable laws, rules, regulations, and these standards.
- Ex: If a CFP Professional goes on vacation and turns all client info to an intern to make recommendations, the CFP broke the “supervising duty.”
Comply with the lawful objectives of CFP Professional Firm:
- Will be subject to discipline by the CFP Board for violating policies and procedures of the CFP Board that do not conflict with these standards.
- Ex. You were in the wrong, firm had good conduct.
- Will not be subject to discipline by the CFP Board for violating policies and procedures of the CFP Professional’s firm that conflict with these standards.
- No discipline for violating the firm by the CFP board, firm prohibited alcohol at dinner, but you drank a glass with the client. CFP Board has no punishment.
Provide notice of Public Discipline:
- A CFP Professional must promptly advice the CFP’s firm in writing, of any public discipline imposed by CFP Board.
Exam Note: If a CFP Professional goes on vacation and turns all client info to an intern to make recommendations, the CFP Professional broke the “supervision duty”.
(E) Duties Owed to CFP Board
Refrain from Adverse Conduct
Provide Narrative Statement
- Outcome of facts or reports of whatever incident
Compliance w/ Terms and conditions of Certification and License
Practice Question
Under the CFP Board Code of Ethics, what responsibilities does an employer have to a CFP certificant employee?
a) provide ongoing continuing education.
b) Provide adequate professional premises and lawful objectives.
c) Provide adequate supervisory staff.
d) None of the above.
Answer: D
CFP Board Code of Ethics does not govern a CFP Certificant.
A felony offense or, for jurisdictions that do not differentiate between a felony and a misdemeanor, an offense punishable by a sentence of at least one-year imprisonment or a fine of at least $1,000.
Relevant Misdemeanor
A criminal offense that is not a felony for conduct involving:
- fraud,
- theft,
- misrepresentations,
- other dishonest conduct,
- crimes of moral turpitude,
- violence, or
- a second (or more) alcohol and/or drug-related offense.
- Example: Tax and Financial.
- First alcohol and drug misdemeanor.
- Driving offense, tickets, and misdemeanor.
Regulatory Investigation
An investigation initiated by a federal, state, local, or foreign governmental agency, self-regulatory organization, or other regulatory authority.
Does not include preliminary routine regulatory inquiries or requests for information, deficiency letters, “blue sheets” requests other trading questionnaires, or examinations.
Regulatory Action
An action initiated by a federal, state, local, or foreign governmental agency, self-regulatory organization, or other regulatory authority.
Civil Action
A lawsuit or arbitration
Arbitration: Settle a dispute
Includes an adverse final action and a consent decree in which the finding is neither admitted nor denied but does not include a deficiency letter, examination report, memorandum of understanding, or similar informal resolution of a matter.
Minor Rule Violation
A violation of a self-regulatory organization rule is designated as a minor rule violation under a plan approved by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission.
A rule violation may be designated as “minor” under a plan if the sanction imposed consists of a:
- fine of $2,500 or less and
- if the sanctioned person does not contest the fine.
Refrain from Adverse Conduct
A CFP® professional may not engage in conduct that reflects adversely on his or her integrity or fitness as a CFP® professional, upon the CFP® marks, or upon the profession. Such conduct includes but is not limited to, conduct that results in:
- a) A Felony or Relevant Misdemeanor conviction or admission into a program that defers or with holds the entry of a judgment of conviction for a Felony or Relevant Misdemeanor;
- b) A Finding in a Regulatory Action or a Civil Action that the CFP® professional engaged in fraud, theft, misrepresentation, or other dishonest conduct;
- c) A personal bankruptcy or business bankruptcy filing or adjudication where the CFP® professional was a Control Person of the business, unless the CFP® professional can rebut the presumption that the bankruptcy demonstrates an inability to manage responsibly the CFP® professional’s or the business’s financial affairs;
- d) A federal tax lien on property owned by the CFP® professional, unless the CFP® professional can rebut the presumption that the federal tax lien demonstrates an inability to manage responsibly the CFP® professional’s financial affairs or
- e) A non-federal tax lien, judgment lien, or civil judgment that has not been satisfied within a reasonable amount of time unless the CFP® professional can rebut the presumption that the non- federal tax lien, judgment lien, or civil judgment demonstrates an inability to manage responsibly the CFP® professional’s financial affairs.
Reporting must take place 30 days after a CFP professional is NAMED, CHARGED, CONVICTED, SETTLED, ADVERSELY MENTIONED IN AN ACTION, ARBITRATION, OR CIVIL EVENT. A CFP professional should report the initial charge or investigation as well as its outcome.
- This can include Felony, Relevant Misdemeanor, Regulatory Investigation, regulatory action, arbitration, civil judgment, license & certification & membership revoked or restricted, being terminated for employment because of dishonesty & unethical conduct or compliance failures, sales practice violations, filed or subject of personal/business bankruptcy, federal tax lien, failed to satisfy non fed tax lien or judgment lien or civil judgment within one year.
30 days include weekends and holidays, and a policy of over-disclosure is preferential to one of less disclosure. Testable exceptions to reporting include claims of arbitrations compensation for $5,000 or less and violations settled for $15,000 or less.
Even rebuttable actions should be reported to the CFP board.
Reporting does not necessarily lead to discipline.
Provide Narrative Statement
The written notice must include a narrative statement that accurately and completely describes the Material facts and the outcome or status of the reportable manner.
A CFP Professional may not make false or misleading representations to the CFP board or obstruct CFP board in the performance of its duties. A CFP must satisfy this requirement set forth in the CFP Board’s Procedural Rules, including by cooperating fully with the CFP Board’s requests, investigations, disciplinary proceedings, and disciplinary decisions.
Compliance with Terms and Conditions of Certification and Trademark License
A CFP professional must comply with the Terms and Conditions of Certification and Trademark License.
Always use capital letters.
Never use periods.
Always use the ® symbol.
- The CFP® mark must not be used as a parenthetical abbreviation for the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ mark. The CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ mark must not be used as a parenthetical expansion of the CFP® mark.
- Improper Use: “John Doe is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) professional,” and “Jane Doe is a CFP® (CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™) professional.”
Certificants are strictly prohibited from using the CFP® mark and the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ mark in domain names/URLs and email addresses used by them.
(F) Prohibition on Circumvention
Circumvention: Manage to get around, overcoming problem or difficult way that is clever or not approved of.
A CFP Professional may not do indirectly or through another person or entity any act the Code and Standards prohibit the CFP Professional from doing directly.
CFP 6 approved nouns
- Exam
- Mark
- Certification
- Certificant
- Professional
- Practitioner
Response to Notice of Investigation
Within 30 Days
Consequence: 2nd notice is sent
Response to Second NOI
Within 30 calendar days
Consequence: Default
Response to Request for Documentation
Within 30 calendar days
Consequence: A second request is sent
Response to Second Request for Documentation
Within 14 calendar days
Consequence: Notice of failure to cooperate, which constitutes grounds for sanctions.
Response to motion (before decision) for interim suspension
Within 14 calendar days
Consequence: Missing these deadlines is not specifically stated in the procedural rules.
No Appeals interim suspension.
Suspension of use of marks
May last 90 days to 5 years
Revocation of the use of marks
Evidence provided to the CFP board that certificant receiving suspension or revocation has stopped using the marks
Within 45 calendar days
Consequence: Missing these deadlines is not specifically stated in the procedural rules.
Notify the CFP board of a change of mailing address or email address
Within 30 calendar days
Consequence: Missing these deadlines is not specifically stated in the procedural rules.
Private Censure
Unpublished written reproach mailed by the commission (DEC) to a censured CFP professional.
Public Censure (Public letter of admonition)
Publishable written reproach of the CFP Professional, by the CFP Board.
Disciplinary and Ethics Commission
- Complaints that do not meet the criteria for interim suspension these people have jurisdictions.
- Board of Professional Review: Is responsible for interpreting and applying the code of ethics.
Conduct Deemed Unacceptable will ALWAYS bar an individual from becoming certified
Felony conviction for theft, embezzlement, or other financially based crimes.
Felony conviction for tax fraud or other financial/ tax-related crimes.
Revocation of a financial professional (registered securities representative, broker/dealer, insurance, accountant, investment advisor, financial planner) license unless the revocation is administrative in nature.
- Ex. Administrative Revocation: Individuals not renewing a license by not paying required fees.
Felony conviction for any degree or murder or rape.
Felony conviction for any other violent crime within the last five years.
If the list falls under this, then there’s no recourse.
Conduct Deemed a Presumptive Bar and is PRESUMED to be unacceptable.
Two or more personal or business bankruptcies.
Revocation or suspension of a nonfinancial professional (real estate, attorney) license unless the revocation is administrative in nature.
- Ex: Not renewing a license by not paying the fee.
Suspension of a financial professional (registered securities representative, broker/dealer, insurance, accountant, investment advisor, financial planner) license unless the suspension is administered in nature.
- Ex: Not renewing a license by not paying the fee.
Felony conviction for nonviolent crimes (including perjury) within the last five years
Felony conviction for violent crimes other than murder or rape that more more than five years ago.
If transgression falls under this or the other adverse conduct list, one may file a petition for fitness determination.
- Pathway to CFP Certification agreements must have been signed.
Review process:
- Submit a written petition and sign a form agreeing to a CFP Board jurisdiction
- A fee will be charged to all candidates submitting a reconsideration request
- If transgression falls under the “presumption” list, staff will request all relevant documentation from the individual.
- If the petition is denied DEC may allow the individual to reapply after a period of time in some cases.
- Can appeal to the Appeals Committee of the Board of Directors.
Exam Tip: Bankrupcies will be disclosed on the CFP professional’s public profile displayed on the CFP Board’s website for 10 years and their names will be included once in a press release issued periodically by the board. In Limited circumstances, the first bankcupcy will not be published.
Proving Fitness
Very Commonly Tested, Very Important.
A respondent must prove a preponderance (of being greater in number, quantity, or importance) of the evidence.
Hearing panel will recommend to the DEC whether to grant or deny.
DEC must review (de novo) and accept, reject or modify the panels findings.
DEC issues final order to grant deny or impose temporary bar or permanent bar.
CFP Board publishes temporary bar and permanent bar
- Newspaper
- CFP Board website or any other form of public disclosure.
Eligibility to File Petition for Fitness Determination - Reinstatement
Suspension of more than one year:
- Respondent,just file a written petition for reinstatement
- No earlier than 6 months prior to the last day
- No later then 5 years after the first day
- No request = Respondent relinquishes CFP Certification
Hearing Panel and DEC Review
- If DEC does not authorize a renewed petition for reinstatement or denies said statement, DEC must issue revocation.
- DEC Decisions are final unless felony convictions are overturned, at which time the individual may submit. A new petition.
Testing Tips
As a CFP Professional, you owe a duty to your client. Identify your client and disclose everything.
- Spouses are clients. If one spouse wants a divorce they either want money for an attorney or want you to be their CFP Professional. You must disclose this to the other spouse. Giving them money is not the right answer.
- Brothers and sisters want access to their funds in a joint account established by your client, and their parents. Don’t liquidate the account immediately. Counsel with the brothers and sisters about why they want to liquidate the account.
Testing Tip
Always place the biggest financial risk first (as the highest priority) and the least risky, in terms of financial severity, as the lowest priority.
Testing Tip
The CFP Board says CFP professional is responsible for everything related to a client’s personal finances. The only time a CFP is not is when a special license is required to affect a transaction, such as a real estate license.
Responsible for:
- making sure RMD’s occur.
- making sure the client deposits a 401k rollover check in time
- just about everything…except…
Not Responsible:
- Selling real estate
- Writing a will or writing trust documents
- Completing a tax return unless the planner is a CPA or enrolled agent.
1st bankruptcy
Report to:
- CFP board within 30 calendar days
- Clients within 90 days (including locations of web pages with relevant information,
- for example, cfp.net, (FINRA) broker check, IAPD (SEC)
- (1.) Accept a public censure without incurring a hearing fee
- (2.) Pay a hearing fee and follow a streamlined adjudication procedure.
EXAM TIP: Bankrupcies will be disclosed on the CFP Professional public profile displayed on the CFP Board website for ten years, and their names will be included once in a press release issued periodically by the Board.
Regardless of decisions, the CFP will have it disclosed on the board website and be disclosed to clients in addition to where clients would view this website. This would include personal or business bankruptcies.
In limited circumstances, the 1st bankruptcy will not be punished if the DEC sees the CFP professional can demonstrate that the bankruptcy shows an inability to manage responsibility for the CFP Professional business’s financial affairs.
2nd bankrupcy
Report to:
- CFP board within 30 calendar days
- Clients within 90 days (including locations of web pages with relevant information, for example, cfp.net, FINRA broker check)
- Follow the normal disciplinary procedure for adjudicating complaints.
EXAM TIP: Bankrupcies will be disclosed on the CFP Professional public profile displayed on the CFP Board website for 10 years, and their names will be included once in a press release issued periodically by the Board. In limited circumstances, the 1st bankruptcy will not be punished if the DEC sees the CFP professional can demonstrate that the bankruptcy shows an inability to manage responsibility for the CFP Professional business’s financial affairs.
Conduct that could reflect adversely upon the individual or CFP Professional marks
(Adversely, In a way that could prevent success, harmful, or unfavorably)
- Customer complaints
- Arbitrations & other civil proceedings.
- Felony convictions for nonviolent crimes that occurred more than five years ago.
- Misdemeanor convictions
- Employer investigations and terminations.
Financial Advice
Communication that based on its content, context, and presentation would reasonably be viewed as a recommendation that the client take or refrain from taking a particular course of action.
- Development or implementation of a financial plan
- Value of or the advisability of investing in, purchasing, holding, gifting, or selling Financial assets
- Selection and retention of other persons to provide financial or Professional services to the client (CPA, Attorneys)
- Investment policies or strategies, portfolio composition, the management of financial assets, or other financial matters
- The exercise of discretionary authority over the financial assets of a client. The more individually tailored the communication is to the client, the more likely it will be viewed as financial advice. General financial education material, general financial communications, and finishing of making available marketing materials do not constitute financial advice.
- Example: Seminar Mutual Fund. The relative asks for information about the 529 plan, not financial advice. Specific to the portfolio would be financial advice
Investment advice is not going through personal and financial circumstances.
What Marks are Correct?
Your Name, CFP ^ (R)
Followed by One of the Nouns:
- Exam
- Practioner
- Certificant
- Professional
- Mark
- Certification
Do NOT use as part of email or website
Delivery Methods
Financial Advice vs Financial Planning
- Privacy document MUST be in writing.
- Conflicts of Interest can be oral or in writing
Differences: Below delivery methods
FP: Provided in one or more writtten documents
FA: Privide orally or in writing
Topics of Information Needed to Provide to Clcient:
- Privacy policy
- services and products
- How client pays
- How you, your firm, and related parties, are compensated
- Public discipline and bankrupcy
- Referral compensation arrangements
- Terms of engagement (Implementing, Monitoring and - Updating is Required unless explicity stated)
Financial Advice v.s. Financial Planning
Financial Advice:
- Duties Owed To Clients
- Fiduciary Duty
- Disclose and Manage Conflcits of Interest
- Provide Information to a Client
- Duties When Recommending, Engaging, and Working with Additional Persons
Financial Planning:
- The Duties that Apply when Providing Financial Advice (See Above)
- The Practice Standards for the Financial Planning Process
- Information to a Client in Writing
CFP Professional Duties that Apply
What is Integration Factors?
Factors the CFP Board will weigh in determining whether or a CFP Professional has agreed to provide or provided that arequires financial planning.
What are integration factors?
- The number of relevant elements of the Client’s personal and financial circumstances that the Financial Advice may affect
- Most Changes Do not Happen in a Silo
- The portion and amount of the Client’s Financial Assets that the Financial Advice may affect;
- The length of time the Client’s personal and financial circumstances may be affected by the Financial Advice
- The effect on the Client’s overall exposure to risk if the Client implements the Financial Advice; and
- The barriers to modifying the actions taken to implement the Financial Advice.
Am I Providing Financial Planning?
(Application of Practice Standards)
A CFP professional must comply with the practice standards, set forth the Financial Planning Process.
What happens if there is no client agreement to engage for Financial Planning?
If a CFP Professional must comply with the Practice standards, but the client does not engage the CFP professional to provide the Financial Planning, the CFP Professional must either:
a) Not enter into the agreement
b) Limit the Scope of Engagement to services that do not require application of the Practice Standards, and describe to the Client the servives the Client request that the CFP professional will not be performing;
c) Provide the requested services after informing the client how Financial Planning would benefit the client and how the decision not to engage the CFP professional to provide Financial Planning may limit the CFP Professional’s Financial Advice, in which case the CFP professional is not required to comply with the practice stabndards; or
d) Terminate the engagement
(Pacing, Rephrasing, Reflecting)
When communicating with the client, a combination of words, numbers, and graphics should be employed.
- Pacing: Matching the speed of listening with the speed of the person talking
- Rephrasing: Restating or repeating back what has been stated.
- Reflecting: a paraphrasing technique where the planner restates the client’s words in the planner’s words.
Communication Skills
(reflective listening, motivational interviewing)
Reflective Listening:
- Listen to understand
- Repeat perceived message
- The client should confirmation
Motivational Interviewing:
- Conveys empathy and acceptance
- Key Principals:
- Partnerships, Evocation (remembering a feeling), Acceptance, Compassion
Client Meeting Skills
(Open questions, closed questions)
Open Questions:
- Encourages a lengthy response
Closed Question:
- Seeks a short and pointed response
Learning Styles
(Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic)
- Make use of pictures, charts, and graphs where possible and appropriate
- Verbal explanation of each alternative and repeat key information
- Uses a combination of learning styles toward interactive presentations
Practice Question
A Client is going out of the country for an extended vacation. What should the CFP Professional help them do first, in terms of the highest priority, to the lowest priority?
- Social Security
- Health Insurance
- Auto Insurance
- Update Wills
a) 1, 2, 3, 4
b) 4, 2, 3, 1
c) 3, 4, 1, 2
d) 2, 1, 3, 4
Answer: D
Could also make a case for A too.
Older, so probably need Health Insurance. Probably won’t drive unless it’s Canada. Won’t need to update wills unless there is something major. SS canbe accessed electronically from multiple countries except like North Korea, and countries like that.