- Area that’s at the right distance from the sun
- AKA “Habitable zone”
Goldilocks’ zone
- Protects us from harmful UV rays
- Provides warmth (like a blanket)
Ozone Layer
- Deflects Solar flares and solar waves
Magnetic Field
- 3rd planet of the Solar system
- Only habitable planet
- 4.6 million years old
How far is the Solar system from the Galactic core?
30 000 light years
How does our Solar system avoid the dangerous part of our Galaxy (Galactic core)
The solar system’s circular orbit
The galactic core contains the following:
Black holes
What reduces the risks of gravitational tugs, gamma ray Burt’s, an/ or collapsing of stars near the Earth?
Few stars near the Sun
What planet, AKA “Big brother planet” protects the Earth by blocking out incoming debris and sweeping out asteroid vents
- Yellow dwarf
- Type of star that is both small and stable
- Long life expectancy
The Sun
Stars ______ than the sun burn hotter and usually do not live long enough for planets to develop life
more massive
Stars _____ than the Sun are more unstable and prone to Solar blasting
How much energy does the Sun provide?
239 trillion horsepower
How far is the Earth from the Sun?
93 million miles
150 million Kilometers
What will happen if the Earth is too close to the sun?
- Water will dry up
- Hotter temperature