lesson 1 and 2 Intro and Nature and Cause of Death Flashcards
study of disease
manner in which disease develops
study of general disease processes, such as inflammation, degeneration, necrosis, repair
general pathology
study of disease in relation to particular organs/organ systems
special pathology
study of the structure of the human body affected by disease
pathological anatomy/morbid anatomy
study of body with unaided eye
study of structure of body affected by disease to look microscopically to look at cells
study of samples of living tissue removed from living person; biopsies
surgical pathology
study of disease by body secretions; excretions, body fluids
clinical pathology
study of disease and injury of cases that have medical legal potential
medico legal pathology (forensic pathology)
study of the function of body as it is affected by disease. ex: mental illness, color blindness
physiological pathology
the thing responsible for death at time of terminal event. ex: peritonitis
immediate cause
thing prior to and leading up to terminal event. ex: stabbing
basic cause
thing involved but not causing the terminal event. ex: leukemia
contributory cause
any abnormal condition which impairs normal functioning of body
cell is structural and functional unit of life until disease exists at a cellular level
doctrine of cellular pathology
disease of impaired function; ex: mental illness, color blind
functional disease
disease which there is a chnage in anatomy
organic disease
any structural/functional change due to disease; staph-abcess, strep-cellulitis, diptheria- pseudomembrane, TB- tubercle
identification of a disease
forecast of the outcome of a disease
subjective manifestations of disease; no objective method to measure them. ex: pain
objective manifestations of disease; something which can be measured. ex: pulse, breathing, shallow venilation, BP, vital signs
set of both signs and symptoms associated with a disease.
sudden increase in severity of a disease, turn for the worse
temporary absense of disease
any disease present at birth. ex: syphillus, cleft palate
congenital disease
obtained after birth naturally;artificially acquired. ex: syphillis, gonorrhea
aqcuired disease
any disease that occurs every now and then. ex: fever blister
recurrent disease
disease of unknown causes. ex: hypertension, sugar diabetes. no cure
idiopathic disease
disease in which a persons occupation/profession makes them more inclined to develop a particular kind of disease. ex: hep b
occupational disease
disease caused/induced by treatment by physicial, nurse/medical personnel. ex: leaving hemostat in body
number of cases of a particular disease/illness reported in a given population in a given amount of time
morbidity rate
disease of sudden onset and short duration. ex: rubella, massive heart attack
disease of slow onset and long duration. ex: gout
disease of dietary/metabolic dificency
deficiency disease
disease transmitted genetically; ex: heart disease, diabetes, hemphelia
hereditary disease
attacks large number of people in a short period of time; ex: ohio river valley
epidemic disease
disease present in a greater/lesser extent throughout the entire year. ex: cold, flu
endemic disease
disease is worldwide epidemic; ex: world wide outbreak of flu
pandemic disease
occurs every now and then. ex: legionnares disease 1976
sporadic disease
disease caused by MOs. ex: TB
infectious disease
hypersensitivities, disease states which occur in patients on second/subsequent exposure to the same allergen
poisonings, poisonous substances in which the body is exposed
disease states concurrent with another disease. ex: broken hip-TB, secondary infection
fever accompanying is excessively high and/lasts a long time. ex: rocky mountain spotted fever
febrile disease
incidence/frequency which a disease/illness is reported/how many cases are reported
death rate; number of cases of death reported from a specific disease in a given population for a certain period of time. ex: menigtitis age 2
mortality rate
study of causes of disease.
conditions that make a person more suceptable to develop a particular disease
predisposing conditions
cause effect relationship has been established between disease and condition
exciting(immediate) causes
any type of wound/injury
foreign particles which trigger production of incomplete/monovalent antibodies
extremes of heat and cold
physical agents
specific toxic chemcial substances introduced into the body that cause residual/permanent blood clot
chemical agents