Les Mouvements Flashcards
Asseyez-vous / Assieds-toi
IMPERATIVE (order / command)
sit down
je m’assieds sur une chaise
I sit on a chair
être assis (e)
be seated
sit down
IMPERATIVE (order / command)
Asseyez-vous / Assieds-toi
IMPERATIVE (order / command)
I sit on a chair
je m’assieds sur une chaise
be seated
être assis
Elle est assise
She is seated / sitting / sits
Je suis assis sur une chaise.
I am sitting on a chair.
She is seated / sitting / sits
Elle est assise
I am sitting on a chair.
Je suis assis sur une chaise.
se lever
stand up
stand up
se lever
Stand up
IMPERATIVE (order / command)
Levez-vous (lève-toi)
IMPERATIVE (order / command)
Je suis debout
I am standing
Levez-vous (lève-toi)
IMPERATIVE (order / command)
Stand up
IMPERATIVE (order / command)
I am standing
Je suis debout
Il tient un ballon
He is holding a ball
To hold
Il lance le ballon
He throws the ball
He is holding a ball
To hold
Il tient un ballon
He throws the ball
Il lance le ballon
Elle court et attrape le ballon.
Court PR.a cor
She runs and catches the ball.
Elle tombe
She fall
She runs and catches the ball.
Elle court et attrape le ballon.
Court PR.a cor
She fall
Elle tombe
Max carries a very heavy backpack
Max porte un sac très lourd
Matilde puts the book on the table.
Poser - used specifically for putting something on a surface
Matilde pose le livre sur la table.
Poser - used specifically for putting something on a surface
Max porte un sac très lourd
Max carries a very heavy backpack
Matilde pose le livre sur la table.
Poser - used specifically for putting something on a surface
Matilde puts the book on the table.
Poser - used specifically for putting something on a surface
Tom walks in the street
Tom marche dans la rue
Tom goes into the shop
Tom entre dans le magasin
Tom marche dans la rue
Tom walks in the street
Tom entre dans le magasin
In French: you always “enter into” - “entre dans” something.
Tom goes into the shop
In French: you always “enter into” - “entre dans” something.
To goes out of the shop.
In French: you always “get out of” - “sort du” somewhere.
Tom sort du magasin.
In French: you always “get out of” - “sort du” somewhere.
Tom goes into the shop
In French: you always “enter into” - “entre dans” something.
Tom entre dans le magasin
In French: you always “enter into” - “entre dans” something.
Tom sort du magasin.
In French: you always “get out of” - “sort du” somewhere.
To goes out of the shop.
In French: you always “get out of” - “sort du” somewhere.
Louis brings some champagne
Louis apporte du champagne
to take (someone)
Kim emmène les enfants à l’école
Kim takes the children to school
Louis apporte du champagne
Louis brings some champagne
to take (someone)
Kim takes the children to school
Kim emmène les enfants à l’école
Takeaway ice-cream
Glaces à emporter
To take RULE
Prendre - very general
Emmener - Someone or something with you
Emporter - more for things you carry like takeaway food.
Glaces à emporter
Takeaway ice-cream
to take away (food ex.)
à emporter
à emporter
to take away (food ex.)