Les Activités Quotidiennes Flashcards
The alarm rings at 7
Le réveil sonne à 7 heures
John allume la lampe
John turns on the lamp
John and Sophie get up
John et Sophie se lèvent
Ils s’habillent (pr. habil - v.soft l)
The get dressed (dress)
Jean accompagne les enfants à l’école
Jean takes the children to school
accompagne (in context of people)
to dress
John part de la maison,
John leaves the house
Elle part au travail
She leaves to (for) work
Les enfants déjeunent à la cantine l’école
The children have lunch in the school cantine
to lunch (the verb)
Sophie va chercher les enfants à l’école
Sophie is going to pick up the children at school.
chercher (in context of collecting someone)
Pick Up; Literally - seek, search
Bob rentre à la maison
Bob comes home
il rentre du travail
He comes home from work
La famille dîne
The family eat dinner (lit. the family dine)
Verb: dîner
To dine / eat dinnner
Ils se déshabillent (pr. habil - v.soft l)
They undress
Charlie and Kate go to bed
Charlie et Kate se couchant (pr. couch)
sleep, bed down etc.
Bob met le réveil à 7 heures
Bob sets (lit. puts) the alarm for (lit. for) 7.
turn on
Sarah éteint la lampe
Sarah turns off (lit. extincts) the lamp.
éteint (for house purposes)
Turns off (lit. trans. - extinguish)