Lens and cataract Flashcards
How was the lens formed
from surface ectoderm that is placed in position by infolding
Is the lens thicker anteriorly or posteriorly
Tips of lens fibers meet and form short lines called
suture lines
Highly compacted nuclear lens fibers
nuclear sclerosis
How can you differentiate nuclear sclerosis from cataract
Nuclear sclerosis is transparent and can be seen through with an ophthalmoscope
What percentage of the lens is water
Besides water, what is the other main component of the lens
What is the lens completely dependent upon for nutrients
the aqueous
Function of the lens
focus light rays on the retina to allow optimal image processing and vision
How is focusing of light achieved
What stabilizes and holds the lens in the center of the eye
Where do zonules attach to the ciliary processes
ciliary body
an eye that lacks a lens
aphakic eye
Too small of a lens
too round of a lens
What types of proteins increase and decrease with a cataract
Insoluble increase
soluble decrease
What must be done in order to examine the lens
pupil fully dilated
What effect will a cataract have on PLR
Congenital absence of normal tissue
How does a coloboma of the leans appear
flattened region of the equator of the lens
Earliest and smallest cataract you can see
Cataract with more of the lens involved than incipient. can still see tapetal reflection
Cataract that looks solid, opaque, white marble. No tapetal reflection or retinal detail can be seen
With a mature cataract, are PLR’s normal