lenin ECONOMY Flashcards
what were Lenin’s economic objectives?
- Modernisation
- Consolidation
- Military victory
- Destroy capitalism
when did Lenin begin nationalising industry?
March 1918
when was State capitalism introduced?
March 1918 - phase between socialism and capitalism
what was state capitalism based on?
nationalisation off large scale industry
where was control of nationalised industry centralised?
what were the October 1917 decrees?
- 8 hour working day
- social insurance
- opposition to press banned
- decree on peace
- decree on land
what were the November 1917 decrees?
- abolition of titles and class distinctions
- workers to control factories
- abolition of justice system
- women declared equal to men and able to own property
what were the December 1917 decrees?
- Cheka set up
- banks nationalised
- democratisation of army officers
- church land nationalised
what were the January 1918 decrees?
- workers control of railways
- official creation of Red Army
- church and state separated
what were the February 1918 decrees?
- nationalisation of industry
- socialisation of land
what did the Decree on workers control do?
November 1917 - increased soviets power allowing Bolsheviks to take control of the railways and banks
when was the Veshenka established?
December 1917 - continued nationalisation and conducted central planning - by June 1918 487 nationalised enterprises
what was war communism?
1918-21 - an attempt to ‘control everything at the centre’ - “Crusade for Bread” led to “Food dictatorship” - food requisitioning - bartering - ended by Krondstadt and Tambov rebellion
what was the NEP?
1921-22 - economic policy shifted to the right - co-operative trading snowballed into private enterprise - 1921 decree nationalising small scale industry was revoked - ‘Scissor Crisis” - Nep workers had paid holiday & social security benefits - the state bought 75% of grain produced at a fixed price
why was the krondstadt mutiny important?
in 1921 the mutiny of thousands of sailors against war communism. their demands were: new elections to be held. freedom of speech. freedom of assembly and trade unions and peasants associations. all political prisoners of socialist parties to be set free
features of war communism
-rationing of food in cities
-private trading was banned. peasants could no longer sell surplus food for profit they had to give it to the government. if they refused requisition squads forcefully took it.
-factories with more than 10 workers were nationalised meaning they were under control of the state. it was estimated that 80% of enterprises were controlled by the government
-rapid inflation led to money becoming valueless. meaning people had to barter
features of NEP
-peasants could sell the surplus for profit
-peasants who increased their food production paid less tax
-factories with less than 20 workers weren’t nationalised
- heavy industries remained under state control
-the electrification of Russia.