LENIN Flashcards
The July Days
3-5 July
Street demonstrations in Petrograd-disoder
November 1917 elections
SR’s won, not the Bolsheviks
The Reds
The Bolsheviks
The whites
Political opposition, the SR’s and the nobility
The Greens
National minorities
Weaknesses of the whites (3)
Divided- no sense of common purpose
Lack of commitment-had high levels of desertion
Lack of co-operation-differing goals
Strengths of the reds (4)
Use of conscription- 5 million by 1920
Controlled railway system- helped to move their soldiers
Red Terror- Bolsheviks had strict control and good discipline
Use of propaganda
More significant- red strengths or white weaknesses?
White weaknesses- allowed the reds to capitalise and have effective propaganda
Social impact of war communism
Grain requisitioning led to starving peasants
Three most key reasons why Lenin introduced NEP
Kronstadt Rebellion (used to support the Bolsheviks) Tambov rebelllion- didn't want a peasant revolt Tighten dictatorship- could now quell internal unrest with the Decree on Party Unity
Three main reasons why Stalin came to power
No clear process to succession
His ability and ambition
His administrative positions (eg General secretary)
Why did Stalin make the Great Turn? (4)
Self- sufficiency
Military strength
Grain supplies
Move toward socialism
How & why did the Bolsheviks dissolve the constituent assembly?
Held at gunpoint- Bolsheviks only recieved 24% of the vote
What did the Bolsheviks get in the Nov 1917 elections?
Why did Lenin introduce NEP?
Politcal impact of the civil war
Influenced nature of government- loyalty to the Bolsheviks emphasised
Economic impact of the civil war
Introduction of war communism
NEP brought in to bring stability (however at the expense of ideology
Political impact of the 1917 Oct revolution
Kornilov Affair showed the weaknesses of the Provisional Government
Got rid of autocracy
Famine under Lenin
Exacerbated by ideology- refused Western help
Role of Cheka under Lenin
Dealt with opposition to the Bolsheviks
Helped implement war communism
What policing did Lenin introduce in 1924?
OPGU- less brutal
Army under Lenin
MRC was a vanguard for the October revolution
Propaganda under Lenin
Slogans (‘peace, bread and land’)
Cult of personality
The ideas that the foundations of society, which benefitted the ruling class to maintain order
Women in post-revolution Russia
Although the Bolsheviks believed in gender equality, this was not the reality- were still expected to be homemakers
Women in NEP Russia
Tended to be pushed into lower paid, unskilled jobs
Women and divorce
Men did not have to give much notice to divorce their wives, and were not responsible for their welfare
By 1928 about __,___ of the _,___,___ party members were women
65,000 of the 1,000,000
Example of a female party member
Alexandra Kollontai
Backwards step for working conditions. Longer hours and lower pay
Cabinet of the Communist party
Administrative body of the Communist party
People’s commissars with responsibility eg foreign policy
The President
The figurehead of the Politburo
The Nomenklatura
Group of officers and managers approved by the Bolsheviks
Supreme Soviet
Elected by the Sovnarkom
Had the power to make laws and kept power over the republics
Small group of ministers
Lenin’s educational reforms
Housing under Lenin
Taken from landowners and given to the proletariat
Similarities to be drawn between Lenin’s approach to ideology and the Tsars
Both were willing to adapt ideologies to increase or protect their power
How was Sovnarkom elected?
Chain of elections
Village soviets chose representatives for district soviets
District soviets elected members for the provincial soviets
Provincial soviets provided membership of Sovnarkom
Responsible for maintaining order and dealing with opposition
Principle that the Bolsheviks based their party on
Democratic centralism
Democratic centralism
The control of affairs would be in the hands of politicians who had been elected by the Russian people
Working conditions improvements under Lenin
Access to education under Lenin
NepMen and Kulaks denied access to education