Legalities Flashcards
What is pharmacology?
- Study of effects of drugs on the function of living systems
- Divided into pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
What is clinical pharmacology?
- Study of the effects of drugs in treating disease in individual patients
What are the 3 types of drug names?
- Chemical names
- Generic name
- Proprietary name
What is the Veterinary Medicine Directorate (VMD)?
- UK regulatory authority for veterinary medicines
What is the role of the VMD?
- Monitor and act on reports of adverse events
- Advise government ministers on developing veterinary medicines policy
- Control how veterinary medicine are made and distributed
How are veterinary medicinal products (VMP) defined by the EU?
- Medicinal by presentation, so substances that have properties to cure, treat, prevent, relieve, heal, or an anthelmintic or antibiotic.
- Medicinal by function, so substances that have properties that exert medicinal effect or restore, correct or modify a physiological function.
What are the 4 classifications of VMP?
- Prescription-only medicine-veterinarian (POM-V)
- Prescription-only medicine-veterinarian, pharmacist, suitably qualified person (POM-VPS)
- Non-food animal- veterinarian, pharmacist, suitably qualified person (NFA-VPS)
- Authorised veterinary medicine-general sales list (AVM-GSL)
What are POM-V VMP?
- VMP only prescribed by a VS following a clinical assessment; VS may administer or supply the medication or provide a written prescription to obtain the product from another VS or registered pharmacist
What are POM-VPS VMP?
- VMP prescribed by a VS, P, or SQP
- No requirement for a clinical assessment
- Mainly authorised for administration to food producing animals
What are NFA-VPS VMP?
- VMP are products given to non-food producing animals to routinely prevent or reduce endemic disease; only supplied by a VS, P, SQP.
What are AVM-GSL VMP?
- VMP that are considered to have a wide margin of safety, which may be supplied with no special advice.
- Must be supplied from a registered, authorised or approved premises
What does A.C mean?
Before Meals
What does Ad Lib mean?
At pleasure
What does Amp mean?
What does BID mean?
Twice daily
What does Cap mean?
What does EOD mean?
Every other day
What does OM mean?
At morning
What does ON mean?
At night
What does PC mean?
After meals
What does PRN mean?
As required
What does Q mean?
What does DID/QDS mean?
Four times daily
What does QS mean?
A sufficient quantity
What does SID mean?
Once daily
What does stat mean?
What does sig mean?
What does susp mean?
What does tab mean?
What does TID mean?
Three times daily
What is the misuse of drugs act 1971?
- Legislation that controls the availability of drugs that are considered dangerous or otherwise harmful.
- The MDA classifies CD’s by letter (Class A,B,C) and describes the penalty associated with possession, intent, to supply and use.
What is the misuse of drugs (safe custody) regulations 1973?
- Cabinet must be attached by substantial bolts to the fabric of the building
- Should be doubled locked
- Cabinet should always be locked when not in use
- Should be for the sale of storing CDs
- Cabinet should not be labelled as a CD cabinet
- Keys must only be available to authorised staff
What is the misuse of drugs regulations 2001 (The 5 schedules)?
- Schedule 1= Have little therapeutic value in vet med e.g., LSD or cannabis
- Schedule 2= Much therapeutic effects in vet med but are highly addictive e.g., morphine, methadone, ketamine
- Schedule 3= Also have therapeutic value but less likely to be abused e.g., Tramadol, buprenorphine
- Schedule 4= No need for strict pharmacy regulations e.g., diazepam and anabolic steroids
- Schedule 5= Very low strength exempt from any custodial requirements e.g., pardale
Describe Schedule 2 drugs
- Needs to be in safe custody
- Have extra prescription requirements
- Only 28 days prescribing validity
- On the CDs register
Describe Schedule 3 drugs
- Exceptions apply for safe custody
- Have extra prescription requirements
- Only 28 day prescribing validity
Describe Schedule 4 drugs
- Only 28 days prescribing validity
Describe Schedule 5 drugs
- Only has 6 months prescribing validity
What are the main requirements for a CD register in dispensing?
- Quantity of drug dispensed and waste of drug needs to be recorded
- Co-signing (VS signature)
- Animal and owner details
- Date
- Running Total
What are the main requirements for a CD register in ordering?
- VS signature and details
- Record delivery
- Keep invoice for 2 years
- Running Total
- Company order forms
What are the CD book requirements?
- Separate book for each drug and strength
- Computer or bound book
- Needs to be written in ink or digitally
- Editing not allowed
- Chronological order
- For schedule 2 drugs only
- Has to be kept on the premises
- Have to keep for 2 years