Legal Guidelines and Professional Responsibilities Flashcards
What are some main areas of legal responsibility for exercise professionals?
Health screening
Facilities and Equipment
What are some legal guidelines related to health screening?
Evaluation is conducted prior to participation.
Screening methods should concur with national guidelines.
What are some legal guidelines for fitness instruction?
Instructions or directions provided to participants are sufficient and easy to understand.
The GFI conforms to the reasonable standard of care.
What are some legal guidelines pertaining to fitness supervision?
Continuous supervision should be provided.
Larger groups supervised from perimeter.
Specific supervision employed when needed.
Supervision standards still being established - GFI must remain aware of developments in the area.
What are some legal guidelines for fitness facilities?
The floor surface must be appropriate for each activity.
Lighting is adequate for performance and supervision.
Entrances and exits are well marked.
An appropriate temperature is maintained.
What are some legal guidelines for fitness equipment?
Equipment meets all safety and design standards in industry.
Assembly of equipment follows manufacturer’s guidelines.
A schedule of regular service/repair is established and documented.
Caution is exercised in recommending equipment.
Homemade equipment is avoided.
What are some legal guidelines concerning transportation?
Providing transportation to participants is typically not advisable since not part of core function of GFI.
If a GFI who is an employee is requested to provide transportation, should be in writing.
Specific insurance clauses in professional/automobile liability policies may need to be secured.
What are the five steps involved in a good risk management system?
Risk identification
Risk evaluation
Selection of an approach for managing each risk
What are some methods of managing risks?
Transfer (eg through waivers, insurance policies, etc.)
What method of management is suggested for risks that have a low or insignificant severity of injury or financial impact?
What method of management is suggested for risks that have a medium or significant severity of injury or financial impact with a high or often frequency of occurrence?
Avoid or transfer.
What method of management is suggested for risks that have a medium or significant severity of injury or financial impact with a medium or infrequent frequency of occurrence?
Transfer, reduce or retain
What method of management is suggested for risks that have a medium or significant severity of injury or financial impact with a low or seldom frequency of occurrence?
Transfer, reduce or retain.
What method of management is suggested for risks that have a high or vital severity of injury or financial impact with a low or seldom frequency of occurrence?
What method of management is suggested for risks that have a high or vital severity of injury or financial impact with a medium or infrequent frequency of occurrence?
Avoid or transfer