Legal Flashcards
What is Scope of Practice?
The Scope of Practice are the assessments, treatments, and protocols an EMR is legally allowed to preform.
Each Province has a regulatory body that governs the Scope of Practice for EMR’s practicing within that province.
What are Indirect Medical Decisions?
Indirect Medical Decisions are decisions made under your Scope of Practice, by you.
What are Direct Medical Decisions?
Direct Medical Decisions are decisions delivered over the phone or while in direct contact with a Doctor, effectively working under their Scope of Practice.
Patient Consent
By law you must get Pt consent before you can provide emergency care.
What is Expressed Patient Consent?
Expressed Consent may come verbally or as a gesture from a competent adult. (pt) You must tell them who you are (&partner), and what you intend on doing for them, including benefits and risks.
Who are Minors?
A Minor is a person under the Legal age, where a parent or guardian must give consent for treatment.
However in British Columbia Minors can give consent for treatment at any age.
What is Implied Patient Consent?
In an emergency where the Pt cannot give consent due to decreased or lowered Level of Consciousness, the law implies he or she would consent.
Who are Incompetent adults?
Incompetent Adults are patients who, due to mental illness, disease or injury, you must get consent from a guardian,
What is an Emancipated Minor?
An Emancipated Minor is a Minor who is viewed as a Legal Adult, this allows them to make their own medical decisions.
What is Patient Refusal?
A competent Pt has the right to refuse treatment, however; if they are found Incompetent due to Drugs/Alcohol, Severe injury or illness that could affect judgement, an altered mental status or mental illness use Implied Consent
What should you do if a Patient Refuses Treatment?
When a patient refuses you should make all efforts to persuade them to go to a hospital, explain the risks versus the benefits of their choice, make sure they can make rational and informed decisions. If you have to, you can obtain medical direction. Then have them sign the refusal form and advise them to call Emergency Medical Services again if they change their mind.
What are Advanced Directives?
Advanced Directives are written in advance to direct the Pts wishes for Medical Care when they cannot speak for themselves. (DNR) They can be Documents, bracelets, necklaces or tattoos. The Physical Document must be present, or a viable DNR over the phone with the Patients Doctors.
What is Abandonment?
Abandonment is stopping Patient Care before you have handed your patient off to some with equal, or higher level training than yourself.
What is Negligence?
Negligence is carelessness, inattention or disregard, ex. Deviating from your Scope of Practice.
What is Confidentiality?
All information you learn about your Pt is confidential unless it is pertinent to continuing care.
What does the Good Samaritans Act do?
Protects you under your Scope of Practice while preforming care as a civilian.