Leg conditions Flashcards
Proximal femoral focal deficiency Hemihypperthrophy Leg length discrepancy
What is proximal femoral focal deficiency?
- A Congential defect of the proximal femur
- it is a spectrum of disease including
- Absent hip
- Cervical pseudoarthrosis- see pic
- Absent Femur
- Shortened Femur
What is the epidemiology of proximal femoral focal deficiency?
- Bilateral in 50% cases
- Rare autosomal Dominant form exists
- Associated with SONIC HEGDE- HOG GENE ( limb bud gene)
What is the pathophysiology of proximal femoral focal deficiency?
- Defect in the primary ossification centre ( cartilage anlage)
Name associated conditions of proximal femoral focal deficiency?
- Fibular Hemimelia- 50%
- ACL Deficiency
- Coxa Vara
- Knee contractures
Non orthopaedic manifestations
- Dysmorphic facies found in rare autosomal dominant type
What is the Classification system of proximal femoral focal deficiency?
- Class A= Femoral head present, Acetabulum Normal
- Class B= Femoral head present, Acetabulum mildy dysplastic
- Class C= femoral head absent, Severly dysplastic acetabulum
- Class D= Absent Femoral head and acetabulum
What is seen at physical exam of a pt with proximal femoral focal deficiency?
- Severely shortened one or both legs
- Percentage of shortening remains constant with growth
- Short bulky thigh is flexed, abducted and externally rotated
- Normal feet - most common
What are the goals of tx in proximal femoral focal deficiency?
- Tx must be individualised to the pt based on
- Leg discrepancy
- Present of foot deformities
- Adequacy of Musculature
- proximal joint stability
What are the options for tx for proximal femoral focal deficiency?
Non operative
- with bilateral deficency
Extension Prothesis
- Less attractive option due to large proximal segement of prothesis
- assists patient when attempting to pull self up to stand
Limb lengthening with/without contralateral epiphysiodesis
- If predicted LLD of <20cm at maturity
- Stable hip and functional foot
- femoral length >50% of opposite side
- Femoral head present- Aitken A/B
- CI= unaddressed varus, proximal pseudoarthorosis, or acetbular dysplasia
Syme amputation and Knee fusion
- Hip stable ( aitkena/b) foot of affected side is proximal to knee joint- syme 10-14 mo, knee fusion 3-4 yrs= wear AK prothesis
- need for improved prosthetic fit, function and appearance
- prosthetic kness will not be below the level of contralteral knee at maturity
- ispislateral foot is at level of contralateral knee or more proximal
Femoral- pelvic fusion
- Unstable hip =aitken C/D- absent femoral head
- ipsilateral foot at level of contralateral knee
- Ankle with >60% of motion
- Absent femoral head- aitken c/d
- 180 degree rotational turn thru femur
- ankle dorsiflexion becomes knee flexion
- allow use of BK prosthesis to improve gait and efficiency- seep pic
- for femoral length <50% opposite side
- perserve as much length as possible
- amputate thru JOINT if possible in order to avoid overgrowth which can lead to diffcult prosthesis fitting
- Fit for prothesis UL 6 mon, LL 1 yr
Limb lengthening with/without contralateral epiphysiodesis
What is Hemihypertrophy?
- A condition of asymetric limb size
What are the most common causes of hemihypertrophy?
- Neurofibromatosis
- Idiopathic
- Beckwith- wiedemann syndrome
- associated with Wilm’s tumour- renal abnormaliites, do USS until 5 years
What is the tx of hemihypertrophy?
- Based on principles of leg length discrepancies
What are the common causes of limb length discrepancy?
- Hemihypertrophy
- Dysplasias
- Proximal femoral focal deficiency
Paralytic conditions
- Spascitiy - cerebral palsy
- polio
Physis disruption
- Infection
- trauma
- Tumour
What is the epidemiology of LLD?
- 2cm LLD occurs in up to 2/3rd population
What are the associated conditions of LLD?
- Back pain
- increased prevalence of back pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Decreased coverage of femoral head on long leg side leads to OA 84% of time
- Structural scoliosis
- LLC increasea the incidence of structural scoliosis
- Inefficiency Gait
- Equinus Contracture