Lecture1 Flashcards
What are the competitive advantages through digitalization?
Internal: Reduce costs, increase efficiency/effectiveness External: Customer analytics, enhanced products and services
What are the key areas of digitalization?
Enhanced operations, enhanced customer interaction, enriched products and services, new business models
Effects of enhanced operations
Increase degree of automation, support real-time optimization, streamline semi-structured/unstructured processes, enable global collaboration and networking of employees (virtual team collaboration, 4.0 Manufacturing)
Effects of enhanced customer interaction
multi-channel experiences, personalized marketing and offerings
Effects of enriched products and services
Extend product offerings with digital elements, extend service offerings (predictive maintenance, banking services, connected car)
Examples of new business models
Freemium models in service industries, low-cost business models, pay-as-you-go model, sharing platform (Skype as freemium)
How is the information revolution affecting competition?
- Change industry structure and way of competition 2. create competitive advantage 3. spawns new businesses
Does IT matter?
Of course it does, and it needs to be managed. It is essential to the success of a business. The management staff should understand IT and its associated economics.
Transforming the WHAT in businesses
Enhance products and services, extend offerings for new revenue, redefine value proposition
Transforming the HOW in businesses
Create new digital capabilities, leverage information, integrate and optimize
What are the two views of IT, and who is normally responsible for each?
Customer facing role (CEO), and enabling role (CIO)
What are the new managieral roles?
Chief Digital Officer (focuses on worker engagement) CIO (Business-oriented, employee and innovation focus) CTO (customer support and vender engagement) CDO (focuses on making value from data)
Digitization v. Digitalization
Digitization is narrow view of converting analog information into a digital storage source. Digitalization describes the resulting changes on the individual, organizational, and society level driven by introducing digital technologies.
What can you digitalize?
Products, services, or processes
What two elements does the social subsytem include?
Formal and informal
What layers does the technological subsystem use?
Hardware and software
What is an electronic service?
a service system for which the implementation of many of its elements and behaviors is done using automation and programming techniques.
What is a service system?
It consists of many elements (people, facilities, tools, and computer programs) that have a structure, a behavior, and a purpose
What are the three business processes?
Management (strategic management, corporate governance) Core (purchasing, producing, advertising, marketing, sales) Supporting (accounting, recruitment, call center, technical support)
What role do individuals play in a business?
They carry out the actual executions for the company. What is planned and actually done are two different things. Important to remember.
Product Software v. Tailor-Made
Product software is generally purchased from a vendor, and it is usually an established product. Tailor-made is custom, offers competitive advantages at a higher buy-in.
What stages make up a Digital Transformation Process?
pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation