LECTURE: Oral Cavity Flashcards
between teeth/gums and lips/cheek
within dental arches
oral cavity proper
posterior midline extension of soft palate
_________ are anterior and posterior boundaries of tonsilar bed
palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches/folds
lymphoid tissue in tonsilar bed
palatine tonsils
midline fold of mucosa under tongue
lingual frenulum
midline folds of mucosa between gingivae and lips
labial frenulae
formed by sublingual salivary gland on either side
sublingual fold
What has an opening to the submandibular duct?
Sublingual caruncle
Opening of parotid duct opposite 2nd maxillary molar
parotid papilla
What blood vessels supply blood to the lips?
Superior and inferior labial branches of facial
Terminal branch of inferior alveolar artery that supplies chin
mental artery
Branch of maxillary artery that supplies cheek
buccal artery
Describe all the features in the diagram
Describe the distribution of general sensation to each colored area
The hard palate has _____ for nerves and arteries.
greater and lesser palatine foramina
Sensation from the mucosa of the hard palate is handled by ____, whereas the innervation of the palatine (mucous) glands is via
- sensation of hard palate: maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (V2)
- innervation of the palatine (mucous) glands: facial nerve (CN VII)
An opening in the anterior hard palate, from which the nasopalatine nerve and septal artery emerge.
incisive foramen
A fibromuscular structure with a membranous aponeurosis and associated muscles.
soft palate
Action of levator veli palatini and tensor veli palatini (already discussed with nasopharynx)
elevate and tense the soft palate with swallowing, respectively
This muscle helps to approximate soft palate to oropharynx during swallowing & is innervated by vagus nerve (CN X).
palatoglossus muscle
This muscle runs from the hard and soft palate to the posterior aspect of thyroid cartilage and pharyngeal constrictor. It also helps to close the nasopharynx during swallowing and is innervated by vagus nerve (CN X).
palatopharyngeus muscle
The _______ is located between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches.
palatine tonsil
This muscle elevates the uvula. It is innervated by vagus nerve (CN X).
musculus uvulue
The superior pharyngeal constrictor and buccinator both insert into the _______________.
pterygomandibular raphe
Describe the arterial supply to the teeth
Describe the innervation of teeth
Most numerous, conical papillae. Handle general sensory information but no taste buds.
filiform papillae
Mushroom-shaped papillae which appear as pink or red spots scattered among the filiform papillae. Contain taste buds.
fungiform papillae
Fold-like (leaf-like) papillae along sides of tongue. Contain taste receptors.
foliate papillae
Large papillae that form a “V-shaped” pattern at the back of the tongue. The walls of these are studded with taste buds. Ducts of serous glands open into trenches as well to prevent blockage.
vallate papillae
Located between the body and root of the tongue, it is the site of descent of the thyroid tissue
terminal sulcus
General sensation from anterior 2/3 of tongue is handled by
the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V3), specifically through its lingual branch
Taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue is handled by
facial nerve (VII), specifically through chorda tympani.
Both taste and general sensation and taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue handled by
glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
General sensation and some taste information from area of posterior tongue near epiglottis carried by …
vagus nerve (CN X)
What are the extrinsic muscles of the tongue? (4)
- genioglossus
- hyoglossus
- styloglossus
- palatoglossus
Attachment/Action/Innervation of genioglossus
- Attachments: from the mental spine of the mandible to the tongue and hyoid bone.
- Action: it depresses and protrudes the tongue.
- Innervation: hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII).
Attachment/Action/Innervation of hyoglossus
- Attachments: from the lateral aspect of the hyoid bone to the side and inferior aspect of the tongue
- Action: it depresses and retracts the tongue.
- Innervation: hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII).
Attachment/Action/Innervation of styloglossus
- Attachments: from the styloid process and styloid ligament to the side of the tongue posteriorly
- Action: it elevates and retracts the tongue.
- Innervation: hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII).
Attachment/Action/Innervation of palatoglossus
- Attachments: from the palatine aponeurosis to the side of the tongue
- Action: it approximates the back of the tongue with soft palate during swallowing.
- Innervation: vagus nerve (cranial nerve X)
What are the intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
- Superior longitudinal muscle fibers.
- Inferior longitudinal muscle fibers.
- Transverse and vertical muscle fibers (in same layer).
Which muscles change the shape of the tongue with speech and food manipulation?
the intrinsic muscles of the tongue
The intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by which nerve?
Which glands get their parasympathetic innervation from glossopharyngeal nerve (via lesser petrosal nerve) and arterial supply is from branches of external carotid and superficial temporal arteries?
parotid gland
Which glands get their parasympathetic innervation from facial nerve (CN VII) via chorda tympani and arterial supply is from submental branch of facial artery?
submandibular glands
Which glands get their parasympathetic innervation from facial nerve (via chorda tympani) and arterial supply is from lingual and facial arteries with venous drainage is via lingual vein?
sublingual glands
What are the contents of the sublingual space?
- Sublingual salivary gland.
- Lingual nerve (and submandibular ganglion).
- Submandibular duct.
- Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII).
Lymph from the upper lip and lateral parts of the lower lip drains to the _____________
submandibular nodes
Lymph from the middle part of the lower lip drains the
submental nodes
Lymph from the tongue drains to where?
the submental, submandibular and superior and inferior deep cervical lymph nodes, including the Jugulodigastric and jugulo-omohyoid nodes
Extensive communications of lymphatic drainage occur across the ______ of the tongue.