LECTURE: Larynx and Pharynx Flashcards
What cartilage is composed of two plates, fused anteriorly to form the laryngeal prominence (“Adam’s apple”)?
thyroid cartilage
Which cartilage has a divergence of lamina superiorly to form a v-shaped thyroid notch?
thyroid cartilage
The thyroid cartilage attaches to the hyoid bone via …
thyrohyoid membrane
Lateral surface of each lamina has _______ for muscle attachment
oblique line
A midline “leaf-shaped” cartilage which folds down over the laryngeal inlet when the larynx is elevated during swallowing
The epiglottis tapered inferior end is attached to the __________, located behind the thyroid notch.
thyroepiglottic ligament
Complete ring of cartilage that is higher posteriorly compared to more narrow anterior aspect (“signet-shaped”).
cricoid cartilage
most inferior of laryngeal cartilages
cricoid cartilage
________ allow pivot motion between thyroid and cricoid cartilage
Cricothyroid joints
__________ cricothyroid ligaments run between thyroid and cricoid cartilages.
median and lateral
trachea extends ______ from cricoid cartilage
Two pyramidal-shaped cartilages that rest on the posterior cricoid cartilage
arytenoid cartilages
The 3 parts of each arytenoid cartilages
- apex (superiorly)
- muscular process (posteriorly)
- vocal process (anteriorly)
The muscular processes are for muscle attachment and the vocal processes are for attachment of
vocal ligaments
Small cartilages that sit atop the apices of the arytenoid cartilages.
corniculate cartilages
The function of this cartilage is not fully understood other than to “help support the aryepiglottic folds” during swallowing
corniculate cartilages
A fibroelastic membrane extending from the superior-lateral border of cricoid cartilage to the arytenoid cartilages. The free edges form the vocal ligaments.
conus elasticus
What are the joints of the larynx?
- cricothyroid joints
- cricoarytenoid joints
Which joints are between facets on the lateral surface of cricoid cartilage and inferior horns of the thyroid cartilage?
cricothyroid joints
Which joints provide the main movement is anterior and posterior tilting of the thyroid cartilage on the cricoid, which changes the tension of the vocal folds?
cricothyroid joints
Which joints are between cricoid cartilage and arytenoid cartilages?
cricoarytenoid joints
What types of movements do cricoarytenoid joints allow?
- Anterior and posterior tilting, which cause slack or tension on the vocal folds, respectively.
- Sliding together (adduction) or away (abduction) from each other.
- Medial or lateral rotation, which cause adduction or abduction of the vocal folds, respectively.
mucosal folds not involved with sound production
False (vestibular) folds
vocal ligaments and muscle covered by mucosa which produce sound
True (ventricular) folds
area of larynx above false vocal folds
laryngeal vestibule
: lateral space between false and true vocal folds
laryngeal ventricle
the aperture between the vocal folds
rima glottidis
refers to the vocal folds, the rima glottidis and the narrow part of the larynx at the level of the vocal folds
What are the muscle groups of the true (ventricular) folds?
adductors, abductors, tensors and relaxers
Adductors of vocal folds
- Lateral cricoarytenoids
- Arytenoid muscle (transverse and oblique fibers)
Which muscle is from lateral cricoid cartilage to muscular process of arytenoids?
adductors of vocal folds
Which muscle run between arytenoids?
arytenoid muscle (transverse and oblique fibers)
Abductor of vocal folds
posterior cricoarytenoids
from posterior cricoid cartilage to muscular process of arytenoids
posterior cricoarytenoids
Which muscle are tensors of vocal folds?
Cricothyroid muscles
Which muscle is from anterolateral part of cricoid to inferior/interior of thyroid cartilage and tilt the thyroid cartilage forward?
Cricothyroid muscles
Relaxers of vocal folds
Thyroarytenoids and vocalis muscle
Which muscle is from internal surface of anterior thyroid cartilage to arytenoid cartilages and draws the arytenoids anteriorly?
Which muscle runs along the sides of the vocal ligaments, between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages and relaxes tension on the posterior vocal ligaments while maintaining tension anteriorly?
vocalis muscle
The larynx gets its blood primarily from the
superior and inferior laryngeal arteries
The superior and inferior laryngeal arteries are branches of what arteries?
superior and inferior thyroid arteries, respectively
The superior laryngeal artery travels through the
thyrohyoid membrane
the inferior laryngeal artery enters the
inferior larynx
Two main nerves of the larynx
superior laryngeal nerve and the recurrent laryngeal nerves
The two main nerves of the larynx derive from which nerve?
vagus nerve
The superior laryngeal nerve splits into which nerves high in the neck?
internal and external laryngeal nerves
The internal laryngeal nerve enters the larynx (along with the superior laryngeal artery) through the thyrohyoid membrane. It carries what information?
sensory information from inside the larynx above the vocal folds
The external laryngeal nerve travels down on the outside of the larynx to the …
cricothyroid muscle
Which nerve innervate the inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
external laryngeal nerve
As the vagus nerves (CN X) descend to the ____, they give rise to recurrent laryngeal branches.
On the right, the recurrent branch loops around the _________ artery and travels up to the larynx in the sulcus between the trachea and esophagus.
On the left, however, the recurrent laryngeal nerve loops around the ________ (posterior to ligamentum arteriosum).
aortic arch
The recurrent laryngeal nerves dive deep to the inferior pharyngeal constrictors to enter the larynx and, when they do, change their name to _____________.
inferior laryngeal nerves
Which nerves innervate all of the musculature of the larynx (except for cricothyroid) and carry sensory from inside the larynx below the vocal folds?
recurrent/inferior laryngeal nerve
connection between base of tongue and epiglottis
Median glossoepiglottic fold
depressions between base of tongue and epiglottis, on either side of the median glossoepiglottic fold
depressions lateral to aryepiglottic folds
piriform recess
The superior expanded part of the alimentary system posterior to the nasal and oral cavities, extending inferiorly past the larynx.
The pharynx extends from the cranial base to the inferior border of the ________ anteriorly and the inferior border of the ____ vertebra posteriorly.
The pharynx extends from the cranial base to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage** anteriorly and the inferior border of the **C6 vertebra posteriorly
The pharynx is widest opposite the _____ and narrowest at its inferior end, where it is continuous with the _______.
The pharynx is widest opposite the hyoid** and narrowest at its inferior end, where it is continuous with the **esophagus.
The flat posterior wall of the pharynx lies against the ___________.
prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia
Three Parts of Pharynx
- nasopharynx
- oropharynx
- laryngopharynx
Which part of the pharynx is posterior to the nasal cavity and superior to the soft palate?
Which part of the pharynx is posterior to the oral cavity?
Which part of the pharynx is posterior to the larynx?
Which part of the pharynx has respiratory function?
Which part of the pharynx has digestive function?
Which part of the pharynx is the posterior extension of the nasal cavity?
Which part of the pharynx is the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids) located in?
posterior wall of nasopharynx
A projection into the nasopharynx made from the pharyngotympanic tube is called what?
torus tubarius
Which muscle extends fromt he torus tubarius to the pharynx in the nasopharynx?
salpingopharyngeus muscle
Lymphoid tissue in the submucosa of torus tubarius is called
tubal tonsil
Posterior to the salpingopharyngeal fold is a slit-like lateral groove called the
pharyngeal recess
Which part of the pharynx is s bounded by the soft palate superiorly, the base of the tongue inferiorly, and the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches laterally?
Which part of the pharynx extends from the soft palate to the superior border of the epiglottis?
The palatine tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue on each side of the oropharynx in the interval between the palatine arches called the
tonsilar bed
The superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle is in the ________
floor of the tonsilar bed
The portion of pharynx posterior to the larynx
This part of the pharynx narrows inferiorly and becomes the esophagus.
a ring of lymphoid tissue surrounding the entrance to the pharynx
Waldeyer’s ring
Deglutition (1 word)
a combination of voluntary and involuntary muscular contractions to move a bolus of food from oral cavity to the esophagus
deglutition (swallowing)
3 main phases of swallowing
Voluntary or involuntary of all stages of swallowing
stage 1: voluntary
stage 2: involuntary
stage 3: involuntary
This occurs in which stage of swallowing: the bolus is compressed against the palate and pushed from the mouth into the oropharynx, mainly by movements of the muscles of the tongue and soft palate
stage 1
This occurs in which stage of swallowing:
stage 2
This occurs in which stage of swallowing: sequential contraction of all three pharyngeal constrictor muscles forces the food bolus inferiorly into the esophagus.
stage 3
consist of superior constrictor, middle constrictor, inferior constrictor, palatopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus and salpingopharyngeus.
Pharyngeal Muscles
Superior constrictor originates from
m the pterygoid hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe, posterior end of mylohyoid end of mylohyoid line (of mandible) and side of tongue
Superior constrictor insertion
into the pharyngeal tubercle on the basilar part of the occipital bone and pharyngeal raphe
Middle constrictor origin
the stylohyoid ligament and greater and lesser horns of hyoid
Middle constrictor insertion
pharyngeal raphe
Inferior constrictor origin
the oblique line of thyroid cartilage and side of the cricoid cartilage (cricopharyngeal part)
Inferior constrictor insertion
into the pharyngeal raphe
The constrictor muscles overlap in such a way to prevent
separation of the layers with swallowing
The pharyngeal constrictors are innervated by _______ and constrict the walls of the pharynx.
vagus nerve (CN X)
O/I/A/N of palatopharyngeus
O/I/A/N of salpingopharyngeus
O/I/A/N of stylopharyngeus