LECTURE: Nasal Cavity Flashcards
What forms the bony framework of the nose?
maxillary and nasal bones
What are the cartilages in the nose?
lateral nasal, septal and alar
Bones and cartilage that divide nasal cavity into right and left are collectively known as
nasal septum
What makes up the bony septum?
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone and vomer
What completes the septum anteriorly?
the septal cartilage
Blood supply to the nose comes from what arteries?
facial and ophthalmic arteries
Sensation of the nose is carried by what nerves?
infratrochlear, external nasal and infraorbital nerves (V2)
What part of the nose leads into the nasal cavity?
nostrils (nares)
____ are passageways between the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx.
Most of the nasal cavity is lined with what type of cell?
respiratory epithelium with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
The vestibule is located ______ line with skin.
inside the nose
The olfactory epithelium is located where in the nasal cavity?
Nasal cavity has openings for what?
paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal duct.
What are the paranasal sinuses? (4)
- maxillary sinus
- frontal sinus
- ethmoid air cells
- sphenoid sinus
Which paranasal sinus opens into the middle meatus and forms the floor of the orbit?
maxillary sinus
Which paranasal sinus opens into the middle meatus and is asymmetrical?
frontal sinus
Which paranasal sinus usually from 3-18 in number, and drain into semilunar hiatus, with middle group onto surface of ethmoid bull and posterior group into superior meatus?
ethmoid air cells
Which paranasal sinus can allow infection to migrate into the orbit?
ethmoid air cells
Which paranasal sinus is in the body of the sphenoid bone, under the floor of the hypophyseal fossa?
sphenoid sinus
What are the important structures in the vicinity of the sphenoid sinus?
- optic nerve
- pituitary gland
- cavernous sinus
- internal carotid arteries
Each of these sinus is innervated by?
The lateral walls of the nasal cavity are irregular due to the
What adds to the surface area for the mucosa in the nasal cavity?
conchae in the lateral walls
The bones of the superior and middle conchae are parts of what bone?
ethmoid bone
Conchae are also referred to as what?
____ are grooves under the conchae.
Inferior meatus receives secretions (tears) from surface of the eye through what duct?
A bulge formed by middle ethmoid air cells
A groove anterior to the bulla and has openings for the frontal sinus, maxillary sinus and anterior ethmoid air cells
semilunar hiatus
_________ has openings for posterior ethmoid air cells
Superior meatus
Has openings for sphenoid sinus, located posterior to the superior concha.
sphenoethmoidal recess
Fracture of the cribiform plate can lead to what?
leakage of CSF into the nasal cavity
How can you tell if CSF is being leaked into the nasal cavity?
Inject dye into CSF which will show up on cotton placed in nose
The region of the pharynx just posterior to the nasal cavity.
Communication between middle ear (tympanic) cavity and nasopharynx
pharyngotympanic (eustachian) tube
Elevation formed by cartilaginous end of pharyngotympanic tube
torus tubarius
lymphoid tissue in the posterior wall of nasopharynx
pharyngeal tonsil
a groove between salpingopharyngeal fold and posterior wall of nasopharynx
pharyngeal recess
muscle that elevates the soft palate during swallowing, and runs from the cartilage of the pharyngotympanic tube to the palatine aponeurosis
levator veli palatini
muscle that tenses the soft palate during swallowing, runs from medial pterygoid plate, sphenoid spine and auditory tube to the soft palate
tensor veli palatini
The tendon of what loops around the pterygoid hamalus of medial pterygoid plate?
tensor veli palatini
A muscle that forms the salpingopharyngeal fold and runs from the posterior aspect of the cartilaginous part of the pharyngotympanic tube to blend with the palatopharyngeus muscle?
Which muscle helps elevate the pharynx during swallowing?
Levator veli palatini is innervated by what nerve?
CN X (vagus)
Tensor veli palatini is innervated by what nerve?
V3 (trigeminal)
Salpingopharyngeus is innvervated by what nerve?
CN X (vagus)
What is shaped like an inverted tear drop and is located between the pterygoid process and the maxillary bone?
pterygomaxillary fissure
Which 2 terminal branches of the maxillary artery supply blood to the nasal cavity?
the descending palatine artery and the sphenopalatine artery
The sphenopalatine artery splits into what in the nasal cavity?
- posterior lateral nasal artery
- posterior septal artery
Which artery goes to the lateral nasal wall?
posterior lateral nasal arteries
Which artery goes to the nasal septum?
posterior septal artery
The posterior septal artery courses to the incisive canal where it will join with what arteries?
palatine arteries
The anterior ethmoidal artery (from ophthalmic) helps supply blood to the nasal cavity by what means?
Its anterior lateral nasal branch and anterior septal branch
The superior labial artery from the facial artery contributes blood supply to the …
Which nerve provides innervation to the nasal cavity?
olfactory nerve
Aside from the olfactory nerve, what is highly vascular and has many mucous glands that have nerves to carry autonomics to the glands as well as general sensation from the mucosa?
respiratory epithelium
The parasympathetics to the nasal mucosa come from what nerve?
facial nerve (CN VII)
Pre-synaptic fibers travel with the greater petrosal nerve which branches off CN VII in the middle cranial fossa and synapse with post-synaptic fibers where?
in the pterygopalatine ganglion
Sympathetic fibers from nasal mucosa originate from where/
the carotid plexus and forms the deep petrosal nerve
The sympathetics of the deep petrosal nerve join the parasympathetics of the greater petrosal nerve to form which nerve?
Vidian nerve - the nerve of the pterygoid canal
How are sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers distributed to the nasal cavity?
Via posterior lateral nasal and nasopalatine nerves
Sympathetics and parasympathetics are also delivered to the mucosa of the oral palate by what nerves?
palatine nerves
General sensation from the nasal cavity is carried mainly by what nerve?
maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve (V2)
The sensory fibers travel within which nerves?
posterior lateral nasal and nasopalatine nerves
From the posterior lateral nasal and nasopalatine nerves, the sensory fibers join with V2 in the roof of what?
the pterygopalatine fossa
Sensation from the anterior aspect of the nasal cavity is carried by what nerves?
lateral internal nasal and medial internal nasal nerves (from V1)
The palatine nerves also carry general sensation from the palate and is part of which nerve?
Autonomics to the lacrimal gland travel to the roof of the pterygopalatine fossa to join V2 where they join which nerve into the gland?
V1 (lacrimal nerve)