Lecture: History of Nursing Flashcards
Who was the first epidemiologist?
Florence Nightingale
How did Florence Nightingale contribute to the Britain’s Crimean War?
She brought fresh fruit, water and medical supplies to soldiers, causing mortality rates to drop from 60% to 2.2% within 6 months.
How did Florence Nightingale explain her “descriptive theory”?
“nature of nursing as a profession that requires knowledge distinct from medical knowledge” (Potter 42) (No need for entire knowledge of medicine to care for patients, just enough of a foundation)
Who founded Red Cross?
Clara Barton
Who initiated community health?
Lillian Wald
Who founded the Henry Street Settlement and what contribution did it make in health care?
Lillian Wald and Mary Brewster founded the Henry Street Settlement, which brought health care to the poor in New York City.
What contribution did Dorothea Dix make to the Civil War?
She recruited nurses, organized hospitals and regulated supplies to the troops.
Who founded the ANA standards for nursing?
Isabel Hampton Robb
Who was the first professor of nursing and at which school?
Adelaide Nutting at Columbia University
Who is Mary Breckinridge?
She was the first to bring public health to rural areas, and she was also the first midwife.
Who was the first professionally trained African American nurse?
Mary Mahoney
What means “to nourish” in latin?
What does ICN stand for and what concepts do they represent?
The International Council of Nurses. They focus on the promotion of health, prevention of illness and collaborative care.
What is the difference between a discipline and a profession?
A discipline is a field of study. A profession includes specialized training and ethics.
What are the 5 steps of the nursing process?
Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (ADPIE)
Which association developed a list of standing orders for nurses to follow while providing home care, setting precedence for nursing protocols?
The Chicago Visiting Nurse Association
What does ANA stand for?
American Nurses Association
What are Nurse Practice Acts?
NPA’s are regulations that define the scope of nursing practice and protect public health, safety and welfare. (examples: nurse patient ratios, legal requirements, educational criteria, titles)
What is NLN?
The National League for Nursing sets standards for excellence and innovation in nursing education.
What is NSNA?
The National Student Nurses Association considers issues such as career development and license preparation.
What is HIPAA and when did it come about?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was established in 1996. It provides patient rights and privacy, and allows access to a patient’s own medical record.