Lecture 9 - Performance Impairement 2 Doping Flashcards
Define Performance Impairment 2
Behavioural stuff
- Behavioural dysregulation impairs at least one life domain and inhibits athletic participation
- e.g. forced non-participation: like doctors orders, injyr coach dropping you
- Doesnt have to be doping, can be recreational drug use, anger disorders
- Could be performing well on a pitch then going home and doing drugs, or domestic abuse. differs from Pi-1 as an eating disorder is always present across life domains.
What are the characteristics of someone in performance impairment 2?
- enduring, inflexible behavioural characteristics
- Difficulty accessing automatic thoughts/ schemas and rational thinking, as they are so deep down and so stubborn. Often present for a long time
- may not be motivated for treatment - especially if the have been banned
- ## Putting all this stuff together makes them tricky people to work with, and form a therapeutic relationship with
What are the criteria for it to officially be classed as doping?
2 out of 3 criteria must be present:
– It enhances or has the potential to enhance performance (evidence suggests)
– It represents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete (evidence suggests)
– It violates the spirit of sport (ambiguous)
outline the study on elite athletes done in the 90s about if they would dope or not
Asked 198 elite athletes 2 questions:
- You can take a subtance ,that would make you win but you wouldnt be caught. 195 said yes
- You can take a substance, and win everything you try for the next 5 years (double olympic champion), but you will die after 5 years. 120 said yes
Outline Schaal et al (2011) findings about the prevalence of doping
About 1% of athletes had doped in their lifetimes
About 0.4% had in the last 6 months
Less women doping
X - limited as people arent going to admit it because they will be banned. Unlike when admitting to a clinical illness
- Evident because the top 3 cyclists every year in the tour de france from 99 to 06 all doped
What was the prevalence of russian athletes doping?
67/68 track and field athletes were banned competing because of state sponsored doping. Only 1 didnt as she lived in USA
How many british athletes are currently banned for doping?
- has been increasing since 2013
- but are more people doping? or are we better at catching them? Or is there just more athletes?
Who came up with deterrance theory?
Strelan & Boeckman, 2003
Outline Strelan & Boeckman, 2003 deterrance theory as an explanation as to why people dope
An athlete weighs up the costs of deciding to dope and the benefits of doping
- this balance is heavily influenced by situational factors
x - doesnt really specify or define what situational factors are
Give examples of costs of doping?
If you are caught, the costs include:
•Tarnished reputation (e.g. in press)
• Lose funding
• Expensive - fined
• Titles/ medals taken away from you
•Social sanctions - from team mates as they lose medals too
•Strongest cost is moral compass - could you cope with yourself if you won unfairly - Self-imposed sanctions
In france/ Germany you can go to prison for it, as well as being fined and suspended
What are the benefits of doping
- You win lots
- Winning gives you more money, prize money and sponsorship
- You get lots of fame
- if you moral compass doesnt care, it’s very satisfying to win
What are the situational factors that athletes take into account when deciding to dope, according to deterrance theory?
- National culture
- Sport culture (down a layer from national)
- Team culture
Outline national culture as a situational factor that athletes take into account when deciding to dope, according to deterrance theory?
How much your country bans athletes, like how many they have caught and what the national attitude towards those who dope is. How many athletes in that nation dope
Outline Sottas et al (2011) study into national culture about doping*****
Looked at 7289 blood samples from 2737 elite track and field athletes
- blood doping, replacing blood with extra oxygenated blood. Looked at prevalance rates in loads of different countries
- One country has 78% male and 50% female prevalance - so they are an anti-doping country as they have caught the most people
- Other countries have 1% male and 2% female
- Shows massive variation in national culture towards doping
With 70 banned athletes, the UK is quite an anti-doping nation
When is a nation most likely to dope their athletes?
Around the time they begin to host an olympic games, and dont have a very good sporting reputation