lecture 9 Flashcards
Neurogenesis =
creation of new neurons
core knowledge =
knowledge about the nature of physical reality
jean Piaget (1920-1980):
cognitive development
assimilation =
new experiences are incorporated into existing schemes
acconodation =
expanding or changing of existing schemes
what are Piagets stages?
sensorimotor stage 0-2y
preoperational stage 2-7y
concrete operational stage 7-11y
formal operational stage 11-16y
sociocultural theory, goal of mental development is to function effectively as in adult in ones society
zone of proximal development:
learning is social learning (the circle with the circle in it)
what are three components of the brain?
- working memory
- inhibition
- switching
social behavior =
how we relate to, interact with and think about others. essential component of survival, reproduction and well-being
Harlow :
rheusus monkey experiment. this was about attachment
what is a key feature of attachment?
pychological comfort
what are the four attachment styles?
secure, insecure/resistant, insecure/avoidant, disorganised
Ainsworth strange-situation test:
- A mother and her 12-month-old child are brought into an unfamiliar room containing toys
- Child is allowed to play and explore with mother present
- Unfamiliar woman enters, talks to the mother, approaches the child
- Brief separation: mother leaves child alone with stranger
secure attachment style:
infant explores when mother is present, shows minor distress when leaves, then later greated the mother with great enthusiasm
grow up to be mor sociable, emotionally stable, lower anxiety and depression
no exporation in mothers present, upset when mother leaves, when returns: crying and running towards her to be picked up.
insecure?avoidant attachment:
distance when mother is present, little distress when leaves and when returns ignores the mother.
maternal sensitivity affects secure attachment:
parental trainign increases rates of secure attachements in most infants
theory of mind:
the ability to put yourself in someone elses shoes
what age do childeren show the the beginnings of frienship?
2 years old
how do childeren show the beginnings of friendship?
by prefering some of their peers over others.
- seek out certain interaction
- display more positive emotions
- more likely to imitate these peers and coorperate with them wthan with others
what happens at age 9 in friendship?
childeren define friendships in terms of taking care of one another, helping each other and sharing friendship.
what does friendship provide?
positive experience
training ground of social skills
what is having close friends as a child associated with?
social success later in life, greater feelings of self-worth, lower incidence of depression.
what is an example sociometrics?
give a list of names of children you like and who you dislike
liked by many
disliked by many
neither liked or disliked, they report being lonely and are more likely to develop antisocial behavior or adjustment difficulties later in life
what are the two types of rejected childeren?
agressive-rejected childeren and withdrawn-rejected childeren
agressive-rejected childeren:
become aggressive as a result, less cooperative, more likely to become chronically hostile
withdrawn-rejected childeren:
increased risk for depression, anxiety later in life
what sort children are more popular?
securly attached, authoritative parents, attractive, not extremely inhibited (relexed), mature early
periode from puberty through early twenties, physical changes, sexual maturity, growing sense of self, increased independence.
adolescence man:
muscles grow, facial hair, deeper voice, spermarche
adolescence females:
growth breast and hips, menarche
early maturation is benificial in males:
bigger and stronger then peers, more likely to be popular
early maturation in females:
more stress due to physical and emotional levels of development, elevated risks for some disorders
how does adolescene work?
start of myelination of frontal lobes (responsible 1for self regulation)
slow process and can last until late 20s
what does romantic love similarities with?
romantic attachment styles:
secure attachment styles:
positive view of self and relationship
comfortable with intimancy
less likely to show cheatinf behavior or one night stands
tend to seej out securely attachemend partners
anxious-preoccupied style:
often overly depend on partner
problems with trusting their partner
high intimancy-seeking, worrying, impulsiveness
sometimes paranoid
dismissive-avoidant style:
avoidance of attachment
distant, supressing feelings
positive self-image
high rates of one night stands, sex without love