lecture 7 Flashcards
evaluation =
adaptation of species over generations
learning =
adaptation of individual within one lifetime
how does the process of behavior change?
through experience
reflex =
simple, automatic stimulus response by the nervous system
classical conditioning =
a learning process that creates new reflexes or new stimulus-response sequences
habituation =
getting used to something. it is the simplest form of learning
the pavlov effect =
think about the office and jim with dwight computer and the mints.
spontaneous recovery =
the reflex has not been lost, but is possibly inhibited
behaviourism =
idea that all behavior is reflexive and not that no mental concepts are used. only what is observable. creates stimulus-responds connection
cognitive psychology =
it is permitted to use mental concepts in explanations of behaviour. creating a connection between stimulus-stimulus. explains learning in terms of knowledge, concepts, expectations. all non-observable, but can inferred from behaviour
rescotla experiment:
he conditioned a group of rats by pairing a light with a loud noise, they now had a freezing response to the lights
childeren conditioned to words good and bad
operant conditioning =
self-initiated behavior, a methode of learning that uses rewards and punishment to modify behavior. behavior that is rewarded is likely yo be repeated and punished is likely to rarely occur
skinner made a box with an animal in it
shaping =
training od complex behaviour by rewarding successive steps in that behavior
conditioned reinforcer =
signal announcing reward has a rewarding effect itself. the desired response is always followed by a reinforcer
behavior analysis =
tackle behavioural problems in childeren with systematic reward and punishment
behaviour therapy =
eliminate unwanted behavior. very successful for phobias