Lecture 9 Flashcards
How many spinal nerves divide into branches after leaving the vertebral canal
- Posterior Branch
- Anterior
- Sensory
- Communicating to ASN
What are spinal nerves formed from
Union of posterior and anterior root
How many spinal nerves
31 pairs of spinal nerves (8cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal)
How do spinal nerves leave the spinal cord
through intervertebral foramina
What are the spinal plexuses
-cranial plexus (C1-C4):serves the head neck and shoulders
- the brachial plexus (c5-th1) : chest shoulders arms and hands
the lumaber plexus (th2-L4) back abdomen froin thight knees and calves
- sacral plexus (L5-S4): pelvis, buttocks, genitals, thights, calves and feet
-coccygeal plexus (S5-Co1)
Most imporant nerves of the brachial plexus
Sensory = S
Motor = M
- Axillary Nerves: S: skin of shoulder, shoulder joints M: deltoid and teres minor muscles
- Ulnal nerve skin on medial thrid of the hand M: forearm muscles and intrinsic muscles aod hand
- Musculocutaneous Nerve S: skin of lateral surface arm M: ant. muscles of arm
- Median Nerve
- Radial Nerve
whats the longest nerve in the body
sacral nerve
Where is the primary motor cortex
Precentral gyrus
Primary sensory cortex
Postcentral gyrus
Broca’s motor speech center
inferior frontal gyrus
Auditory association area
Wernicke’s area secondary auditory area
posterior superior temporal gyrus
primary auditory cortex
anterior transverse temporal gyrus
deep in lateral fissure
Primary visual cortex
medial surfice of occipital lobe
what type is motor aphasia
Brokas area aphasia
non fluent or expressive aphasia
what is sensory aphasia
Wernikie’s aphasia
fluent aphasia or receptive aphasia