lecture 9 Flashcards
what are some factors that influence health?
gender, hereditary, income/status, social support, education, employment/work conditions, social environment, physical environment, coping skills, development, access to heath/quality of health care, personal health practices, cultural and ethnic background, personal health practices,
what is ottawa charter definition of health promotion?
is the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health
what is Greene and Richards definition of Health promotion?
the combination of educational and environmental supports for action and conditions of living conducive for health
Spectrum of philosophies to public health? (2)
individualistic - individual responsibility - education is the cure to all
structural collectivist approach - - everyone is responsible - related to whole of community approach - environmental adaptations
How? health promotion a spectrum of approaches
Individualistic Health Promotion (IHP) - Health education focus – knowledge, health risks, persuade/motivate lifestyle change
Structural collectivist approach (SCHP) - Participation of community + legislation + bureaucratic interventions e.g., public health policy, legislation to control ban/behaviours, curriculum
what are NEWELL’s factors in becoming physically active?
Individual = Person
motivation, confidence, maturation,
current PA level
Environment = Promotions – events, recreation opportunities, Facilities,
Social Support
Task =
What type PA:
choice & skills
Lifelong physical activity (in middle)
Describe the Stages of Change Model – each stage and % of people in that stage
- Precontemplation (34%) - do not intend to change
- contemplation (35%) - intending to change but putting it off
- Preparation (15%) - typically have a plan and have taken action in the last year
- Action (12%) - New behaviour must be the target, low risk behaviour (e.g., 30 mins of moderate activity on most days)
- Maintenance and termination (4%) - 6 months or more at criterion behaviour
what are 4 key critisms of the stages of change model?
- Exaggerate the ease with which behaviour can be changed
- Overly simplistic connection is made between knowledge, attitudes and behaviour
- Evidence of long term success lacking
- Broad brush approach - Culturally appropriate health messages? Take into account ethnicity, gender, class factors?
- Implicit message of “victim blaming”
- A lot of models focus on the change of behaviour – but not the maintenance
describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and how it relates to behaviour
we only move up this hierarchy of needs to self determination and self fulfilment, but only once our basic levels of needs are met.
it starts off at PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS then SAFETY then LOVE then ESTEEM then it leads to self actualisation
Explain the key constructs of self efficacy and the implications for exercise adoption and adherence
- crucial to motivation
- Past experiences /success can influence
- Social factors can boost – social persuasion
what are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
physiological - hunger safety - living in a safe environment love - affection esteem - respect of others then on top is - self actualisation - self fulfilment