lecture 8 - language and problem solving Flashcards
communication system that relies on patterns and rules of symbols
- not just spoken but also visual (reading lips)
symbols don’t always match what were reffering to.
- doesnt actually tell you anything about something
exceptions: onomatopias (crash sounds like what it is)
purpose of language
to convey info, socialize, emotion and art
language levels
- phonemes
- morphemes
- syntax
- extralinguistic
- smallest unit of sounds
- english has like 40-45
- individual sounds that if put together, make words
- ex: th, ai, s, t, oi, igh, ng
- smallest units of meaning
- combination of phonemes
- sometimes single phonemes
ex: cat + s cats (cat is one and
ex: playing = play and ing (play, replay, playing)
set of rules to construct sentences
- ex: verb + object
= the boy eats apples
- not: apple the eat boy
extralinguistic information
non-verbal and context cues that add meaning to language
- body language, voice tone, context
- ex: i am refusing this date - could mean a variety of things, you need more context
language variations used by a group of people who share geographic proximity of ethnic background
ex: saying camp vs chalte vs cabin vs cottage
opposing views on language
- noam chomsky: language is biologically determined
- skinner: language through operant conditioning
critical period for language
small window of time where we are more likely to learn language.
- maximized in like first 5-6 years of life
language stages
- prenatal
- babbling
- comprehend vs production
- first words
- telegraphic speech
- conversations
- preference for mother voice
- fetus is able to distinguish mother’s voice from others
- can also recognize specific song/stories from the womb
- produce and repeat single syllabi
- practice motor movements by babbling
comprehend vs production
- understand language before we can speak it
first words
- 1 year to 18 months
- holophrase: single word phrases making full thoight (up, more, go)
telegraphic speech
- simple sentences
- “me up”
- over generalization because they take patterns that they know from language, but they dont know exeptions
- ex: goed vs went
language cognition
language involves:
- sensation and perception
- learning and action
- attention and memory
- decision making and problem solving
- social and emotional regulation
sapir-whorf hypothesis
- language can influence or determines our thoughts and behaviours
- hard to test theory
- ## russians are can recall memories from russia better when speaking russian rather than english
cognitive economy
resources allocated to thinking and decision making
- ex: using less brain power for less important decisions
- mental shortcuts we use to simplify decisions
- cant use simple heuristic for bigger decisions that need more planning
- ex: when climbing a mountain heuristic way would be tpo just go striaght up but you should probs take a map so you dont die
- relying on heuristics can become dangerous
sytems 1 of thinking
- tversky and kahneman
- fast decision making
- snap judgements / autopilot
- requires less energy
- quick reactions
- first impressions
- simple associations
ex: knowing that paris is associated with france, making a disgust face after something gross, understanding someones tone
system 2 of thinking
slow and analytical thinking
- require energy
- focused searching
- looking for mistakes
- staying calm and collected when mad
- works with system 1
- overcomes biases and heuristics