Lecture 8+9 Flashcards
Space repetition
מגדילים את מרווח הזמן מהחשיפה למידע שרוצים לזכור עד לפעם הבאה שנישאל עליו (אחרי 2 דקות, אחרי 15 דקות, אחרי 20 דקות…)
Mnemonic/ cue repetition
אם יש משהו ספציפי בגירוי עצמו שמזכיר לנו דבר מסוים.
What memory types were impaired for HM?
התקשה בזיכרון הדקלרטיבי
עבד אצלו הפרוצדורלי, זיכרון העבודה (כי זיכרון העבודה לא נמצא בהיפוקמפוס), וזיכרון טווח ארוך לפני הניתוח
Digit span test
מתבקשים להסתכל על ארבע מספרים ולחזור עליהם, מגיעים עד 10 ספרות. Continue until you fail on both sequences at a given length. Your span is one digit less than this.
מדד לזיכרון העבודה.
Repetition priming
refers to improvements in a behavioural response when stimuli are repeatedly presented. Also, for amnesics (Preserved in H.M.)
יכול להיות שהקידוד הוא פרוצדורלי בשל החזרה.
Double dissociation of procedural and declarative memory
Spared procedural memory in Amnesia:
can learn rules of a weather prediction game (procedural
memory) but can’t remember which cards were previously seen (declarative memory).
Opposite dissociation in Parkinson’s disease: Associated with lesion to Basal ganglia.
What memory systems are impaired in amnesia?
decelerative (explicit) memory: semantic & episodic; might be dissociable.
What type of amnesia did H.M. have?
anterograde amnesia.
Anterograde amnesia (AA)
memory loss for events occurring after the onset of the problem.
Retrograde amnesia (RA)
memory loss for events occurring before the onset of the problem.
Flat retrograde amnesia (RA)
consisting of a uniform memory deficit for information
from all preamnesia time periods. שוכחים את הכל לא משנה אם קרוב או רוחק מזמן הפגיעה.
Graded retrograde amnesia (RA)
greater memory deficits for information from recent as opposed to remote time periods due to consolidation and reconsolidation processes.
4 retrograde amnesia difficulties
1) Identify people and events from different decades.
2) Autobiographical cueing.
3) Temporal gradient: Memories formed early in life are more likely to survive than memories formed later in life.
4) The vulnerability of a memory to brain injury is inversely related to its age.
Korsakoff Syndrome
- Alcoholism and malnutrition.
- Thiamine - B1 deficiency.
- Amnesic symptoms: global amnesia: (RA + AA).
- Confabulations, no insight, apathy.
- Lesioned medial dorsal thalamic nuc. & Mammillary bodies (part of the limbic system).
- Intact hippocampus.
Telescopic memory
Seeing recent events as more remote than they are and remote events as more recent.
Memory storage (Hippocampus role in theories of memory)
ההיפוקמפוס הוא המקום שמאחסנים בו את הזיכרון.
Cannot account for time-dependent effect in anterograde vs. retrograde amnesia
لأنهن بقترحوا أنه في علاقة للوقت، واذا هو بس بخزن، لي يأثر على وقت محدد فقط؟
Memory tagging (Hippocampus role in the theories of memory)
Links memory with location and time context.
Episodic memory is especially context dependent, which could explain potential dissociation in episodic vs semantic in amnesia.
Memory consolidation (Hippocampus role in the theories of memory)
In a time-dependent process, it transforms recent learned experiences into LTM.
Explains anterograde amnesia without retrograde amnesia.
Synaptic consolidation
occurs on a small scale in the synaptic connections and neural circuits within the first few hours after learning such as long term potentiation (LTP)
System consolidation
occurs on a much larger scale in the brain, rendering hippocampus-dependent memories independent of the hippocampus over a period of weeks to years.
previously consolidated memories can be made labile again through reactivation of the memory trace.
Binding and the hippocampal formation
Parahipocampal cortex = contextual processing
Perirhinal cortex = item processing
Entorhinal cortex = perception of space and time
Von Restorff Effect
items that are novel, or distinctive, are remembered better than those that are less distinct.
אנשים שהייתה להם פגיעה בהיפוקמפוס, תלמוס, או בהיפוקמפוס ועוד אזורים, היה להם ביצוע פחות טוב במטלה זאת בהשוואה לאנשים שהם אפילו low performing controls.
Anterior temporal lobe’s role in memory =
semantic memory
Lateral occipital area =
object memory
In which areas activity during encoding predicts subsequent recognition of words?
Left parahipocampal gyrus (fusiform gyri)
Left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)
Left IFG’s role in memory =
selection of features to encode – IFG is necessary but not sufficient, needs also MTL (basic memory formation).
Medial temporal lobe’s (MTL) role in memory =
memory formation
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex’s role in memory =
- Retrieval
- Greatest activity with greater retrieval demands
- Selection from a range of alternatives
- Monitoring retrieved information
The prefrontal cortex is activated in _______
working memory
The inferolateral temporal lobe is activated in _______
semantic memory
N-back test
מודד זיכרון עבודה גם. כנראה שזיכרון העבודה מערב עוד אזורים כמו הקורטקס הפרה פרונטלי. המטלה משתפת הקורטקס הפרה פרונטלי.
Impaired in patients with prefrontal lesion, typically due to TBI.
Long term potentiation
התהליך משפיע על התא הבא, התהליך מאוד ארוך, ואם אני משבשת אותו במהלך השעה הראשונה שבה מתחבר עם התא הבא, התהליך ייפגע.