lecture 7b: knee join complex emaination , evaluation and interventions Flashcards
• Ligamentous injuries
• Instabilities
• Anteromedial, anterolateral,
posteromedial, posterolateral
• Meniscal and articular cartilage
are these considered acute or chronic problems in the knee
• Instabilities
• Degenerative Changes (OA)
• Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
• Patellar Tendinopathy
are these considered acute or chronic traumas to the knee
what forces come with injury to the MCL , accompanied by injury to medial meniscus , anterior cruiate and posterior medial capsule … “unhappy triad” - ACL , MCL and MM
valgus force
what is considered the unhappy triad
hyperextension will casues injury to what and what is it accompanied by
injury to the ACL and accompanied by injury meniscus tears
a macrotrauma with flexion w posterior translation will causes injury to what
injury to PCL
classic “dashboard injury”
a macrotrauma with a varus force will cause injury to what and what is it accompanied by
injury to LCL
accompanied by injury to posterolateral capsule and PCL
a valgus producing force will causes injury to what ligament ?
a varus producing force will cause injury to what ligament
what is the MOI for an ACL tear contact vs non contact
*Contact: Hyperextension, valgus force
* Non-contact: Deceleration/acceleration
valgus force near extension (cutting , sudden direction change)
if you think a pt tore their ACL they would hear or feel a ___, have ___ , hx of knee ___ ___ and loss of endrange ____
giving away
what special test can u do for ACL tears
lachmans ( the best ot do ASAP)
anterior drawer
pivot shift (what they do right before sx)
what functional test can u use fo ACL tear
6 m single limb timed hip test
(+) if < 80% of uninvolved side
___ most easily identifies this indirect sign of ACL tear (segnod fx)
what is a segond fx
aculsion of LCL form excessive IR of tibia
> 80% of ACL tears have this and it is most common over lateral femoral condyle
concurrent bone bruising
bone bruises heal ___
what is the long term prognosis for ACL tear
• Delayed surgery may be associated with ↑ damage to ____/___ ____
• Resumption of previous activity level following ACL tear may ↑ risk of future ___, (whether the ACL is reconstructed or not)
• Individuals with the highest preinjury activity level seem to have a ____ probability
of not returning to their preinjury activity level
- delayed sx may be associated with increase damage to meniscus/ articular cartilage
- going back to previous level of activity following ACL tear may increase risk of future OA
- ndividuals with the highest preinjury activity level seem to have a higher probability
of not returning to their preinjury activity level
what is the risk of ACL sx
how do u know if you should operate or not operate for a ACL tear
desicde if they are a copper or non copper
what is the screening process includsion criteria to see if someone is a copper for ACL sx
- Isolated ACL
- Non repairable meniscal injury
- No other concomitant
ligamentous damage - Full and pain free ROM
- No knee joint effusion
- MVIC of involved quad should
equal 70% of uninvolved
how do u know if someone is a rehabilitation candidate for a torn ACL
• Single, cross over and timed hop
tests score of >80%
• No more than 1 episode of
giving way since time of injury
• KOS ADLs scale and sports
activity scale >80%
• Global rating scale >60%
if a person tore his ACL they are more likely to receive surgery if what 5 things ( non copper)
- higher activity level
- more episodes of giving away
- lower KOS ADL score
- lower score on the international knee documentation committee subjective knee form 2000
- lower limb symmetry index on the 6 meter timed hop test , and a lower quadriceps strength index
what is the MOI for a PCL tear
trauma with a posterior tibial shear injury in flexion or hyperextension
- dash board injury
- sudden stopping while wearing cleats
- fall with hyper flexed knees and ankle PF
what are some visual cues that would suspect a PCL tear
- abrasion or bruising anterior proximal tibial if hit
- Loss of knee extension with ROM testing or gait