lab 8: foot/ankle Flashcards
how many bones are in our feet
when would u do palpation for the ankle and foot
after observation if u dont do a LQ screen
what is the ottawa ankle and foot rules
bone tenderness at lateral/medial mal
bone tenderness at navicular / 5th MT
inability to WB in ER or after injury
pertaining to the foot posture index what is measured in the rearfoot and forefoot
- talar head position
- curves above and below the malleoli
- calcaneal inversion/eversion
- talo navicular concgruence
- medial arch height
- forefoot abd/add
more pro is (+) score
more sup is (-) score
• Tibial crest
• Lateral malleolus
• Fibularis longus tendon
• Fibularis brevis tendon
• Anterior talo-fibular ligament (ATFL)
• Calcaneo-fibular ligament (CFL)
• Posterior talo-fibular ligament
• Sinus tarsi
• Cuboid
these are part of what palpation
anterior and antero lateral
• Great toe
• Phalanges
• 1st cuneiform
• Navicular
• 2nd and 3rd cuneiforms
• Dorsalis pedis pulse
• Medial malleolus
• Talus
• Sustentaculum tali
• Posterior tib tendon
• Posterior tib artery
• Deltoid ligament
these are apart of what palpation
anterior and antero medial
what foot/ankle ROM is required
• Inversion/eversion
• Great toe flex/ext
what is normal talocural DF and PF
DF: 20°
PF: 50°
what is normal talocural sup and pro
Supination 45-60º
Pronation 15-30º
what is normal hind foot inversion and eversion
Inversion 20º
Eversion 10º
what is normal GT MTO flexion and extesnion
extesnio: 70°
flexion: 45°
what mm are u testing if the pts foot is DF and INV
tib ant
what mm are u testing if the pt toes are down and in
tib POST ( PF and INV)
during flexion which was does the fibular move
anterior (tib move post)
during knee extension which way does the fibula move
post (tib movs anterior)
during DF what is happening at the proximal fibula
ER and moves superiorly
what joint play can u do at the ankle
distal tibio fibular
MTP and IP
what joint play can u do at the ankle to check/improve ankle PF and ankle DF
PA glide - improve PF (bc roll pos and glide ant)
have pt on tummy
AP glide - imrpove DF (bc roll ant and glide post)
what subtalar joint play/mob would u do to check/improve eversion and inversion
medial glide - for eversion (bc glides medial when u evert)
mob medially toward GT
laterla glide - for inversion ( bc glides laterla when u invert)
mob laterally toward 5th rat
what joint play./mob would u do for MTP and IP extension and flexion
dorsal glide - for extension
towards you
plantar glide - for flexion
towards ground
what special test can u use for high ankle sprain
fibular translation test (just like distal tib fib mob)
or /and
external rotation test ( pt knee is flexed w heel on table and ER w some DF
what special test cna u use to check the ATFL and lateral ligaments for a low ankle sprain
ATFL : anterior talus displacement - anterior drawer
anterior glide of talus on calcaneus
laterla ligaments: medial talar tilt stress test
mob mallows medially
if u think the patient has an anterior ankle impinment what test can u do
forced DF test (provactive in nature)
PT stabilizes distal tibia w thumb palpating anterio lateral TC joint line and put pt into forceful DF
(+) ROS
if you found that the pt was hypomobile in their talocrual joint and has decreased DF and some pain what manip would u do
talocrural gapping
make sure to clear contras