lab 5: hip joint examination and interventions Flashcards
what ROM should u check for the hip
do AROM first and add some over pressure but only do passive if AROM is limited
what is normal hip flexion/ ext
Flexion: 110-120°
Extension: 10-15°
what is normal hip abd/add
abd: 30-50°
ADD: 25-30°
what is normal hip IR/ER
IR: 30-40°
ER: 40-60°
how much hip flexion is needed for shoe tying . sitting and stooping
Shoe tying 120º flex
Sitting 112º flex
Stooping 125º flex
what much hip ROM is needed for squatting
115º flex, 20º abd, 20º IR
how much hip ORM is needed for going up and down stairs
Ascending stairs 67º flex
Descending stairs 36º flex
how much hip ORM is needed for putting foot on opposite thigh and putting on pants
Putting foot on opposite thigh 120º flex, 20º abd, 20º ER
Putting on pants 90º flex
what flexibility test can u do for the hip
Ober’s test: IT band
Modified Thomas Test: RF and psoas tightness
elys test: RF
hamstring (do for limited lumbar flexion, HF or knee extension)
what are the 4 joint play assessments that can be done at the hip
• Long Axis Distraction
• Lateral Traction
• Postero-inferior Glide
• Anterior Glide
when do u do the long axis distraction
just to see if the overall capsule is hypomobile or not
starts in OPP (30° flex, 30° abd , slight ER
what do u do to check the lateral capsule of the hip , also if someone has limited ADD of hip
lateral traction
start in OPP
what kind of joint play/ traction do u do to increased flexion ROM
posterior /inferior glide
pts leg is resting on ur shoulder and u are pullling down and out
how do u asses the anterior joint capsule for joint play for the hip
pt is prone and knee is in flexion anf some extesnion at hip and PT is providing a PA mob thru the prox femur
what kind of join mob would u perform if the pt has decreased hip extesnion
anterior glide joint mob (bc of decreased extension)
what special test aer for gluteus medius tear/weajkness
- Trendelenburg Sign
- Specific MMT for glut med/PGM (side lying hip abduction w sligth ext)
what test cna be used for the labral pathology of the hip
• Impingement Test
• Hip quadrant
• Hip scour
• Fitzgerald Test
• FABER/Patrick Test
if you think your pateints has anterior/lateral capsular tightness what special test can u do
patrick test/FABER/ figure 4
what is the test progression from hip impingement testing
what is the FADIR test testing
passively take pt into flexion ADD and IR going past midline
(+) w incrreased hip/groin pain
if the pt has pain w hip flexion u dont have to do add and IR
what is the hip quadrant test for and how do u do it
for FAI
take pt passively thru FADIR to FABER
(+) if ROS at hip joint and/or clicking
what is hip scour test for and how do u do it
for : FAI , labral teat , acetabular dysfucntion
passively move pt thru FADIR to FABER WHILE adding a compressive force
dont do this if FADIR and quadrant test are positive
(+) if ROS and/or clicking
if u think ur pt has a anterior labral tear what test would u do and how
fitzgerald test
passively move pt hip form full FABER to extension adduction and IR
(+) w ROS w/ w/o a click
only do this w anterior hip pain
what can do u the FABER/ patrick test for
impingement , SIJ dysfunction or capsular tightness
- pain usual in front of
passively put pt into FABER
(+) w ROS in anterior hip (tight anteriorly) or pain in posteiror (posterior hip impingement)