LECTURE 7: peripheral nerves Flashcards
are all neural structures in the PNS protected by bone
which CNs would be considered part of the CNS
1 & 2 bc they don’t not exit the skull
are anterior and posterior ramus part of the PNS
in the PNS what is the gray matter
ganglia : collections of neuron cell bodies in the pNS
what is the white matter in the PNS
bundles of axons in the PNS
what are the type of neurons in the PNS
where are the cell bodies from the afferent neurons
dorsal root ganglion outside of sc
where are the afferent neurons going to
skin to the spinal cord
where are the cell bodies for efferent neurons
ventral horn
where is the efferent neurons traveling to
ventral horn to outside of the body
what are clusters of peripheral neuronal cell bodies
what are large cable-like tissue grouped by numerous
nerve trunk
what are groups of axons bound into bundles
nerve fascicle
what is the Perineurium
wrapping around fascicle
what transports chemicals between axon and cell body and provides information for genetic machinery to regulate cell’s basic function
Axoplasm thickens and becomes more resistant to flow when
what is the general function of type 1a fibers
muscle spindle primary ending
what is the general function for 1b fiber type
golgi tendon organs
what is the general function for typer II fiber
touch , kinesthesia , muscle spindle secondary ending
what is general function of type III fiber of peripheral axons
pain , crude touch , pressure , temperature
what is the general function of type IV fiber of peripheral axon
pain , touch , pressure , temp
is the sensory division of the PNS afferent or efferent
what are the 2 sensory division within the sensory division of the PNS
somatic and visceral
what type of motor is somatic motor
what type of motor is visceral motor
involuntary motor
visceral motor in the pns is like what other system
automonic nervous system : parasympathetic and sympathetic
the somatic motor division of the PNS innervates what
all skeletal muscle
the somatic sensory system of the PNS is speaical for what
hearing , equilibrium and vision