Lecture 7: Language and Communication Flashcards
What is contextual design?
thinking about all the elements of the interaction lifecycle
What is negative transfer?
when established norms and habits don’t evolve with a product or from one context to another
Letters and words are processed…
Word shape is processed…
What helps the detection of ambiguous letters?
top down processing, the word gives context
How is automaticity formed?
through repeat exposure, familiarity, and consistent mapping
Why is automaticity beneficial?
for pre attentive processing
Why is redundancy beneficial?
reduces amount of top down processing
What is the word superiority effect?
describes how people are better at recognizing letters presented within words than when the letters are presented alone or within nonword strings
What is readability?
how easy it is to read words and blocks of text
What influences readability?
white space, text size, font, viewing angle, display characteristics, visual acuity, and viewing conditions
What is legibility?
how well characters can be distinguished from one another
What should communication codes be?
made up of natural language if possible
redundant for security
What reads faster than words?