Lecture 7: Bone Formation and Growth Flashcards
Osteoblasts (Obs)
Active bone depositing cells that secrete osteoid
Osteocytes (Ocs)
Mature osteoblasts that have become entrapped within the bone matrix. Maintain gap junction communication and nutrition via dendritic processes in canaliculi
Bone lining cell
Quiescent, inactive osteoblast. Flat and squamous.
Osteoprogenitor (Ops)
MSC-derived progenitor cell for osteoblasts, osteocytes, and bone lining cells. Located in endosteum/cellular periosteum.
Osteoclast (Ocls)
Bone specific macrophage that arises from fusion of monocytes (HSC derived). Large, multinucleated cell that reabsorbs bone by creating Howship’s lacuna and secreting acid and enzymes.
Ruffled border
Active, apical surface of Ocl. Contains folds for more surface area for H+ and enzyme pumps to dissolve bone.
Howship’s lacuna
Resorption bay created by Ocls and sealed off through integrins/f-actin
Basolateral zone
Area in Ocl opposite the ruffled border; contains nuclei and exocytosis activity.
Factors stimulating bone resorption
PTH and RANKL (for RANK receptors) increase Ocl activity, releasing more calcium to the blood
Factors stimulating bone formation
Osteoprotegrin (OPG), calcitonin, and estrogen inhibit Ocl activity, reducing calcium released to the blood.
“Porous bone” caused by an imbalance in Ocl/Ob activity.
Soft bones and bowed legs due to insufficient Ca + Vit. D; leads to lack of bone mineralization.
Overmineralized bones due to defective Ocls; appears dense but results in fragile structure.
Bone remodeling unit
Cutting cone formed by front of Ocls followed by a closing cone formed by layers of Ops, Obs. Results in resorption of old osteons and creation of new ones.
Types of bone formation
- Intramembranous
- Endochondral