Lecture 7 Flashcards
Why do we have conceptual hubs? (2)
- provide efficient way of integrating our knowledge on any concept
- make it easier to detect semantic similarities across concepts, differing greatly in their modality-specific attributes (e.g. scallops and prawns look different, but are similar conceptually)
What are categories?
A class of stimuli that are treated in an equivalent manner
What are natural categories?
Categories that occur in natural language (fruit, animal, tool, furniture, clothing)
What is the difference between artificial categories and natural categories?
Unlike artificial categories, features of natural category members are not combined arbitrarily
Provide an overview of Bruner, Goodnow & Austin’s (1956) category learning study
required the learner to compare and contrast categories that contain concept-relevant features with categories that do not contain concept-relevant features
What type of structure do natural categories have?
A correlational structure: some features go together e.g. “have feathers” + “have beaks” go together but “have petals” doesn’t
What are three characteristics of natural categories?
- fuzzy sets
- family resemblance
- internal structure
What are fuzzy sets?
Boundaries of natural categories are ill-defined
What is the study that correlates with fuzzy sets?
McCloksey & Glucksberg (1978): asked Ss to decide category mebership for each category pair (e.g. chair-furniture, cucumber-furniture) twice. Found that for intermediate exemplars (bookend-furniture) both subject agreement and consistency was low
What is the idea of family resemblance?
No single attribute is shared by all members of a category but each member has at least one attribute shared with another member
What is the study that correlates with family resemblance?
Wittgenstein (1953): “game” example
What did Rosch & Mervis’ (1975) study on typicality show?
Ss rated how good a member of the category was e.g. fruit (1-7 scale) - typicality is not uniform
What is the family resemblance score?
sum of the weighted scores of attributes e.g. swallow, robin & penguin
What represents the prototype in a family resemblance score?
member of a category having the highest family resemblance scores represents the prototype
What does internal structure mean?
more highly typical items are those that share more attributes in common with other examples
In a natural category, what is a category centred around?
A prototype
What are basic level categories?
most inclusive level which there are attributes common to many members of the category, and a few attributes that occur in other categories
What categories are first learned by children?
basic-level categories - more likely to learn ‘chair’ first before ‘furniture’
What are two ways that people categorise?
- similarity-based views
2. Theory (knowledge) based view
What is the prototype view?
People abstract the commonalities among the exemplars and the abstracted prototype is stored in memory - a new instance is compared to the prototype
What is the exemplar view?
Unlikely to have a stored prototype for e.g. “people in my neighbourhood”, instead compare to individual instances/examples
Describe the theory (knowledge) based view
suggests that categorisation is based on a theory (explanation) developed from instances
What is the study that correlates with the theory (knowledge) based view?
Rips (1989): pizza vs. 20 cent coin: more likely to choose pizza because theory (explanation), pizzas vary in size, 20 cent coins do not
What is the theory (knowledge) based view most likely to be affected by?
context - e.g. hair vs. cloud